Þetta lagast þó í Zimbabwe

Vissi þetta, en enginn hlustaði

"Face masks may raise the risk of stillbirths, testicular dysfunction and cognitive decline in children, 'explosive' new research suggests.

A review of dozens of studies on face coverings suggested they can cause mild carbon dioxide poisoning when worn over long periods."


Hvers vegna verður fólk sífellt vitlausara?


Í góðum fréttum:

"Administrative Law Judge Anna Hamburg-Gal ruled that the City of Chicago violated the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act after imposing the vaccine mandate without negotiating with unions representing the workers.

The fired workers must now be reinstated and repaid any lost pay and benefits, plus 7% annual interest."

Gott að heyra.

Lögreglu vélhundurinn er hágæða vara

"The New York Fire Department (FDNY) $75,000 Dalmatian-spotted robot dog was sent to survey a collapsed parking garage in Manhattan but immediately fell over."

Þá vitum við það.

Barnageldararnir eru reiðir

"Utah State Senator Mike Kennedy's Alpine city house was vandalized this week with red spray paint after sponsoring of SB16, a bill later signed into law that banned medical sex changes for minors, reports local news. The vandals spray painted the GOP state legislator's home with "these trannies bash back" and "fash.""

Þeir hafa það sem er kallað: "history of violence."


Á meðan, í Bretlandi:

"Blackpool Zoo is on the hunt for a team of people to wear large bird costumes and spend their days scaring away nuisance seagulls.

The advert, which is for variable seasonable hours, says candidates must be outgoing - as you need to be comfortable wearing a bird costume!."

... já.  Allt má nú reyna.

Ég hélt að þetta væri tilgangurinn:

"According to statistics from the CPRC, 94 percent of mass shootings since 1950 have occurred in gun-free zones.

Lott said one well-known mass killer explained his reasoning in a manifesto written the year before he struck.

The 19-year-old man who killed 10 people in a Buffalo, New York, grocery store on May 14, 2022, has been described as a right-wing racist, Lott said. But, while he was an avowed racist, Lott said the shooter described himself as an environmentalist and eco-terrorist.

In his manifesto, the shooter claimed that minorities were damaging the environment by having too many children, and that’s why he decided to attack black people.

"Attacking in a weapon-restricted area may decrease the chance of civilian backlash," Lott quoted from the shooter’s writings. "… areas where CCW [concealed weapons] are outlawed or prohibited may be good areas of attack, and areas with strict gun laws are also great places of attack.""

Það á að vera auðvelt að myrða ykkur.  Ríkinu finnst þið ekki vera neins virði.

Ástandið lagast hægt í Zimbabwe

"The country's annual consumer price inflation stood at 87.6% in March 2023, down from 92.3% in February. The country’s central bank reduced the benchmark interest rate from 200% per annum to 150% in February, although this remains the highest in the world. The extreme poverty in the country reached its peak in 2020 but has declined since, according to the World Bank."

Við munum verða fátækasta land heims í þeirra stað, þök sé kolefnistrú og öðrum grillum í yfirvöldum.

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1 Smámynd: Kristín Inga Þormar

Flott samantekt hjá þér, sýnir vel þessa klikkun sem er í heiminum í dag!

Kristín Inga Þormar, 23.4.2023 kl. 19:45

2 Smámynd: Ásgrímur Hartmannsson

Vestræn siðmenning þarf að fara að hugsa sinn gang.

Ásgrímur Hartmannsson, 23.4.2023 kl. 20:49

3 Smámynd: Sigurður Kristján Hjaltested

Snilldar pistill..smile

Sigurður Kristján Hjaltested, 25.4.2023 kl. 14:26

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