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Af 4Chan

Þessu tengt:

"Samtökin 22 hafa talað gegn starfsemi hinna raunverulegu hagsmunasamtaka hinsegin fólks, Samtakanna '78 og aðildarfélögum þeirra, ýtt undir kynjatvíhyggju..."


Allir vilja skera kynfærin af börnum nema Eldur Deville.

Þið gerið ykkur grein fyrir hvert þetta leiðir, er það ekki?

Fáum okkur poppkorn og horfum á.

Þessu tengt:

"A 2016 medical article documenting the tragic death of one of the participants in the linchpin Dutch study upon which the entire child sex change experiment is based indicates that puberty suppression was to blame for the young person’s death."

Æ-æ.  Náðu hvorki að lemja kvenréttindakonu né fremja sjálfsmorð.

Svarti markaðurinn er fullur af áhugaverðum vopnum núna

"Western-supplied arms are being sold by Ukrainian commanders to smugglers in Poland, Romania and other states, veteran American journalist Seymour Hersh has claimed.

“Often, it wasn’t generals, it was colonels and others, who were given shipments of some weapons, [who] would personally resell them… to the dark market,” he explained."

Það var nú ágætt.

Menn læra af reynzlunni.

Hvers vegna eru lög og regla...

"We addressed this textbook/sex instruction manual last August, so I will spare you having to wade through the above any more than necessary and post only this. Trust me, this isn't the worst of it. (Still, content warning. Scroll quickly if you like.)

As for that "fascist" Oklahoma law, this is what it really says:

(a) Purpose. It shall be the policy of the Oklahoma State Board of Education to prohibit discrimination on the basis of race or sex in the form of biasstereotyping, scapegoating, classification, or the categorical assignment of traits, morals, values, or characteristics based solely on race or sex. Public schools in this state shall be prohibited from engaging in race or sex-based discriminatory acts by utilizing these methods, which result in treating individuals differently on the basis of race or sex or the creation of a hostile environment.

This is straight out of Mein Kampf!"

Svona er þetta.


"Six cows have been found dead and mutilated stretched across a rural highway in Texas with their tongues cut out in a method that used a "straight, clean cut with apparent precision" that had "no blood spill." Two of the six also had their "external genitalia" and anuses removed."

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