25.4.2023 | 17:25
Dvergar spila körfubolta
"The Netherlands joins Belgium as the second nation in the world with assisted suicide for the terminally ill without any age restriction, including babies and toddlers."
Óður kommúnisti kannast ekkert við eigin glæpi
"Justin Trudeau, Queen Justine I of Canada, the man who destroyed an entire industry when he tried to mandate an experimental drug, wants you to believe he never did such a thing.
do y'all remember that Freedom Convoy in Canada? We didn't just imagine it."
Ég myndi spyrja: hvers vegna var þessu sauður kosinn? En... Kata Jak er til. Dagur B. g fleiri... listinn er langur.
Viktor Orban hafði rétt fyrir sér
"All this in a single week:
Border fences,
the protection of European interests and a ceasefire to prevent the war from escalating are no longer the devils work,
and after Meloni, Weber, and Macron have now backed Viktor Orbán.
If this continues, by next May, the mainstream will be behind the Hungarian prime minister, who had previously been dismissed by Europes elite as anti-human, authoritarian and pro-Putin."
Hagkerfið er ekki alveg í blóma
"First Republic Bank said customer deposits tumbled 40% in Q1 worse than Wall Street expected.
Deposits fell to $104.5 billion in the first quarter but the bank says deposits have since stabilized."
Þetta dregur einhvern dilk á eftir sér.
"The exit of Tucker Carlson, one of Fox News most popular prime-time hosts, has cost the channels parent company more than $500 million in market value, according to trading data.
Class A shares of Fox Corporation dropped as much as 5.4% on Monday before paring losses to 2.95%."
4Chan kann að reikna.
Hér eru dvergar að spila körfubolta:
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