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Í Ástralíu

"Unjabbed Aussies have formed their own singles groups — boasting they are getting engaged, married and even having kids to “keep the bloodline pure”.

Similar groups are emerging in Australia under the PureMatch website which promotes what is described as unvaccinated dating.
“Pure to us means unadulterated; free from unnecessary cellular modification or experimental medical procedures,” the website states."
Stefnumótasíða fyrir fólk sem fílar ekki skyndilegan dauða.
"The individual posted the pedophilia colours flag and commented that it was created for Alice Day, on April 25th, which is essentially a “pride day” recognised by pedophiles.

The post (pictured above) stated, "Happy Alice Day, to those who celebrate! I figured, why not use today to unveil the YAP (Youth Attracted People) pride flag I designed almost a year ago?""

Hvað finnst samtökunum 78 um þetta?  Spyr sá sem ekki veit.


Grasasnar finna nýjar leiðir til að kryppla herinn

"Biden Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, a Canadian born lawyer with no military background, testified Wednesday to the Senate Armed Services Committee that she supported requiring the United States military to move to an all-electric vehicle fleet by 2030.  That's less than seven years."

Ég held ekki að hún skilji "Blitzkrieg."

... eða hvað?
"Washington’s Olympia School District to ax music classes for pushing ‘white supremacy’ https://trib.al/gy2oDpe
A Washington school district is planning to cut music classes it believes promote "white supremacy culture" and "significant institutional violence.""
Hlustið á tónlistina!
"Tucker needed to be silenced because he represented too big a threat to the powers and principalities, institutions and agendas that seek an unenlightened uninformed semi lobotomized quasi retarded population that do not question, do not research, do not analyze but simply digest and follow instructions, according to Bennett."
Svo margir sem ég þekki.
Talandi um óupplýsta hálf-vangefna heilagjafa: öll stórfyrirtæki í heimi falla ólm fyrir þessum Borat
"Fox News revealed today that conservatives noticed Mulvaney posting a Tiktok ad putting on makeup from cosmetic giant Maybelline."
Allt í lagi... þessi brandari er ennþá fyndinn.  Og á kostnað mestu vitleysinga á jörðinni í þetta skiftið.
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