28.4.2023 | 16:42
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Hvers vegna eru Íslenskir kolefnistrúarmenn ekki í því að líma sig við hluti?
"Members of the group Last Generation descended upon Berlin earlier this week, gluing themselves to streets all over the German capital, where they blocked roads in an effort to pressure the government to take more drastic action against climate change."
Ég mæli með að íslenskir kolefnistrúarmenn lími sig við Þinghúsið, Stjórnarráðið, og jafnvel kolefnistrúarráðherra. Hvað hetir hann nú aftur?
Hið vangefna evrópusamband heldur áfram að kryppla sig jafnvel enn meira
"The European Union finalized the approval of a carbon tax reform that will see polluting industries face higher costs for continuing to generate emissions and incentivize the switch to wind and solar.
The goal is to reduce the blocs emissions by 62% from 2005 levels by 2030, to which end the EU also agrees to introduce a tax on emission-intensive imports from 2026 onward. The import goods that will be subject to the new tax include steel, cement, aluminum, fertilizers, electricity, and hydrogen."
Allir eru samkynhneigðir kommúnistar núna
"Based on data collected in 2021 and released on Thursday, the CDCs report found that 72.4% of high schoolers identify as heterosexual, down from almost 90% in 2015; 3.2% identify as gay or lesbian, 12% identify as bisexual, and 9% as other or questioning.
Girls were more likely than boys to place themselves in all three categories, with five times as many female students considering themselves bisexual (20% vs. 4%), and four times as many (13.7% vs. 3.7%) listing themselves in the other category."
Sumir eru svo woke að þeir eru necropedo.
og nú hafa þeir rekið hann.
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