Framsýnir snillingar

Ritskoðun leiðir til helvítis

"Deplatforming, the practice of preventing an individual with specific views from voicing those views, might work for her, but it’s a disaster for broader society, according to a new peer-reviewed study (pdf).

One of the authors of the study, Martin Innes, a professor of crime, intelligence, and security at Cardiff University, told me that “deplatforming can have complex effects and not always those that are intended, including boosting the popularity of the target.”

Furthermore, “deplatforming can actually increase the toxicity of discourse and make the problems worse on the platform that people migrate to.”

In truth, he added, deplatforming tends to just displace the problem, not actually solve it."

Það fer ekkert í burtu þó þú viljir ekki tala um það.

Tilgangurinn með ólöglegum innflytjendum

"I thought I was going to help place children in loving homes. Instead, I discovered that children are being trafficked through a sophisticated network that begins with recruiting in home country, smuggling to the U.S. border, and ends when ORR delivers a child to a sponsor—some sponsors are criminals and traffickers and members of transnational criminal organizations, some sponsors view children as commodities and assets to be used for earning income."

Hamingjan er í pilluformi

Það er alltaf til lag.

Tranni lemur fullt af stelpum

"A Transgender student at a High School in Riverside, California has assaulted a girl after exposing his genitals and spitting at girls in the girls locker room. According to a student witness, the transgender boy entered the girls locker room and after being confronted for being in there, spat at a group of girls and exposed his penis to them. “He spit on my friends that are girls, females. He shows his genitals in the locker room." A fight then ensued outside between one of the female victims and the Transgender boy."

Þær eru heppnar að hann eitraði ekki fyrir þeim eða eitthvað.

Spánverjar ræða aðeins dverga-nautaat

"Dwarf bullfighting is a long-standing tradition in Spain and other hispanic cultures.

The dwarves fight smaller bulls and calves, but never hurt the animals, unlike the full-size matadors who kill the bulls."

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1 Smámynd: Kristín Inga Þormar

Takk fyrir þetta Ásgrímur, það er alltaf gaman að lesa afrakstur netrápsins þíns!

Kristín Inga Þormar, 1.5.2023 kl. 14:08

2 Smámynd: Loncexter

Gleðipillurnar eru að tortíma u.s.a.

Ísland næst ?

Loncexter, 1.5.2023 kl. 19:03

3 Smámynd: Ásgrímur Hartmannsson


Ásgrímur Hartmannsson, 1.5.2023 kl. 19:29

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