Allt að hruni komið aftur

Það er magnað að fylgjast með þessu:

"Bud Light sales have collapsed by 26% according to new weekly data released today. This kind of collapse has never occurred to a beer company in history."

Og hvers vegna: "Bud Light decided to back a dangerous, indefensible, destructive ideology. They did it by picking one of the most intolerable and unlikable practitioners of this awful stuff. It's no great shock that people revolted against it."

OG: á versta hugsanlega tíma líka, rétt eftir að óður tranni myrti nokkur börn og kennara í skóla.

Hvað voru þessir hálfvitar að hugsa?

Drekk þetta sull ekki. Drekk bara alvöru bjór.  Eða kaffi.

Fjörið heldur áfram

"...everything went just a little bit turbo, starting with a total collapse in regional banks...

the 'big banks' are also getting slammed..."

IMB þarf ekki lengur fólk

"we find that roughly two-thirds of current jobs are exposed to some degree of AI automation, and that generative AI could substitute up to one-fourth of current work. Extrapolating our estimates globally suggests that generative AI could expose the equivalent of 300 million full-time jobs to automation" as up to "two thirds of occupations could be partially automated by AI.""

Í kalíforníu miða menn vel áður en þeir skjóta sig í fótinn

"California’s regulators have unanimously voted to move with a plan to ban the sales of new diesel trucks as of 2036 as part of the state’s push to clean up its transportation sector emissions.

This investment is a part of a $9 billion multi-year, multi-agency zero-emissions vehicle package to decarbonize the transportation sector that was agreed upon by the Governor and the Legislature in 2021."

Kalifornía verður fátækasta ríki USA.

FBI vs Nunnur

"Two parishioners at a Latin Mass Catholic church in rural Northern Virginia say they witnessed suspicious activity from what looked like FBI vehicles in February, a month after the FBI’s Richmond office published a now-rescinded internal memo focused on radical-traditional Catholics."

Því óttast FBI Katólikka?  Ég held það geti verið nunnurnar.  Þær hafa reglustrikur.

Tinder flýr Rússland

"Match Group, owner of the dating app Tinder, has announced plans to leave Russia more than a year after Moscow launched its military operation in Ukraine...

A number of digital services providers, including Spotify and Netflix, quit Russia last year."

Nú hafa Rússarnir ekkert betra að gerast en að berjast í Úkraínu.

Vei bakk in ðe sixtís.

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