Bśiš aš sanna glępi į Biden.

Žessir Pakistanar viršast hafa smķšaš vélmenni.  Žaš er allt ķ vinnzlu.

Talandi um mikilvęga tękni:

"With the advent of smart phones, people do a lot while they're using the toilet these days.

What if we could make use of all the time people spent sitting on the toilet and do something health-conscience while they're there anyway?

Heart Seat currently includes a ballistocardiogram (which measures the mechanical activity of the heart), an electrocardiogram (which measures the electrical activity of the heart), and the difficult-to-read "photoplethysmogram" (which detects blood volume changes)."


Viš vissum žaš svosem.

"House Republicans announced they now have reviewed 170 suspicious activity reports linked to the Biden Crime Family.

Comer identified the NINE Bidens implicated in corruption.

James Comer said the Biden family received over $10 million from foreign nationals while Joe Biden was Vice President.

Bank records show the Biden family, their associates, and their companies received over $10 million from foreign nationals and their companies," Comer added. "Some of that money came from a Chinese company and went to Hunter Biden’s company…this is not how lawful businesses operate."


"Republicans are digging in on over $10 million received by Biden family members from foreign actors, including previously undisclosed $1 million in Romanian-linked payments, and a 'web' of 20 companies created while President Joe Biden was vice president and pushing anti-corruption efforts abroad.

It details the efforts by the family to hide, conceal and confuse sources of money - including more China money, according to a committee aide."

Alvöru skandall.

Žaš veršur lķtiš śr žessu.

Žetta er merkilegt.

Hverjir eru aš ritskoša internetiš?

"Anti-disinformation groups talk endlessly about building “resilience” to disinformation (which in practice means making sure the public hears approved narratives so often that anything else seems frightening or repellent), and audiences are trained to question not only the need for checks and balances, but competition."

Žetta virkar allt mjög vel vegna žess aš fólk er lķka mjög hrętt viš aš hugsa.

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