13.5.2023 | 17:26
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"W.H.O. declared a PHEIC in July 2022 after convening an emergency panel to study the unprecedented spike in European and American infections. Monkeypox, an unpleasant and sometimes disfiguring but rarely fatal disease, was previously almost unknown outside of Africa, where it is indeed spread by contact between monkeys and humans.
The Biden administration followed suit in August 2022 by declaring a public health emergency, a move that made more funding and personnel available to combat monkeypox."
Brśna lķnan er fyrir zoo-fķla.
"Glaeser and Ratti note that in 1980, futurist Alvin Toffler argued that information technology would render urban office environments more or less obsolete, as workers would instead use residential "electronic cottages."
This sudden shift was a body blow to New York. Many offices remain empty, and the city lost more than 300,000 inhabitants from 2020 to 2021. No other American city experienced such a large numerical decline. Over the same period, Houston lost only 12,000 people, although the global commercial real estate services company JLL reports that Houstons office vacancy rates are now even higher than New Yorks. -NYT
In San Francisco, the downtown area is experiencing its worst office vacancy crisis on record - with 31% of space available for lease or sublease, the SF Chronicle reports.
In the heart of the city, an astounding 18.4 million square feet of real estate is available enough space to house 92,000 employees and the equivalent of 13 Salesforce Towers."
""We love you, queens! We're in your corner, and we've got you," Theron said during the telethon aimed at mobilizing support to overturn laws preventing kids from viewing drag performances.
"And I will f*** anybody up who is, like, trying to f*** with anything with you guys," the Mad Max star continued.
On Friday Megyn Kelly fired back at Charlize Theron, challenging the far left actress, "Why doesnt Charlize Theron come and f*** me up?"
Bardagi tilkynntur seinna. Pay-per-view.
Žeir ķ Baltimore hugsa skrķtnar hugsanir
"The city of Baltimore has sued car makers Hyundai and Kia, arguing that the Korean auto giants encourage theft by making their cars too easy to steal."
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