Bara dularfullt ef žś hefur ekkert fylgst meš


Žeir fengu žaš sem žeir kusu...  HAHAHAHA!

Mjög tżpķsk Chicago frétt.

Fólk kżs žetta, aftur og aftur.

NY er ekkert betri

"The New York Post reports that nearly two dozen homeless veterans “have been booted from the upstate hotels to make room for migrants.” One of the hotels told a 24-year-old Afghanistan war veteran their temporary housing was being pulled out from under them and they would have to move somewhere else.

Sharon Toney-Finch, CEO of the Yerik Israel Toney Foundation, told the New York Post, "Our veterans have been placed in another hotel due to what’s going on with the immigrants.""

Rśssar hugsa sér gott til glóšarinnar

"Construction of an “American village” for 200 families of conservative immigrants will start in Moscow Region in 2024.

"Basically, they are Orthodox Christians, Americans and Canadians who, for ideological reasons, want to move to Russia," he said.

The reasons are known, it's the imposition of radical left-liberal values in the West, which basically have no limits. Today they have 70 genders, tomorrow who knows what,"

Aš hugsa Cher.

Belja žefar uppi glępamenn

"As officers began to search the area they received some unexpected, but welcomed assistance from some local cows. Apparently cows do not want suspected criminals loitering in their pasture and quickly assisted our officers by leading them directly to where the suspect was hiding. The cows communicated with the officers as best they could and finally just had the officers follow them to the suspect’s location."

Passiš ykkur į belju réttlętis.

Allt er voša dularfullt...

"Tens of thousands more Brits were dying than expected and experts aren’t quite sure why that is.

From May to December last year, there were 32,441 excess deaths in England and Wales, excluding deaths from Covid.

This then brings up another problem, in that a lot of Brits are dying, but not necessarily of a specific cause.

So whilst a heavily ageing population may be throwing up yet another problem, it doesn’t quite explain why over 30,000 more people than usual died from May to December last year.

For March and February of this year, symptoms, signs and ill-defined is the leading cause of excess deaths, before that in January it was influenza and pneumonia."

Duló duló.

Malthus vs Elon Musk et al.

Veriš aš safna fyri manni sem yfirbugaši ofbeldismann ķ lest

"On Saturday, the GiveSendGo fundraising website set up to support former Marine Daniel Penny's legal defense briefly crashed as it was swamped by visitors eager to give money, which has now surpassed $1 million,  following Penny being charged with second degree manslaughter by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg over the death of 30-year-old Jordan Neely."

Fólkiš vill ekki ofbeldismenn.  Rķkiš vill ofbeldismenn.  Hver mun sigra?


Menn eru aš rifja upp einhvrja atburši...

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1 Smįmynd: Loncexter

Eru žessir tķšu jaršskjįlftar ķ heiminum, kannski vegna žess aš žeim fjölgar sem snśa sér viš ķ gröfinni ?

Loncexter, 14.5.2023 kl. 11:53

Bęta viš athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.


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