17.5.2023 | 19:23
Menn í einkennisbúningum
Morðóðasta fólkið:
Það hefur sína kosti að vera ríkur
"Elon Musk on Tuesday said that if his inflammatory tweets scare away advertisers from Twitter, he will accept that. Ill say what I want, and if the consequence of that is losing money, so be it."
Musk defended what Faber said was the spreading of "conspiracy theories" by countering that pointing out that so many of these "conspiracy theories have turned out to be true", and pointed to the Hunter Biden laptop suppression story, which was an example of "election interference."
Remarkably, despite widespread calls that the end of Twitter is nigh as there is no way the company can survive with 80% of its workers fired, so far Twitter is leaner and faster than before, a testament to the epic employee bloat in Silicon Valley over the past decade."
Endatakmark kolefnistrúarinnar
"...let's talk about South Africa, who against all odds managed to reach their Paris Agreement climate goals.
The nation has already slashed enough emissions to have reduced output between 350 and 420 megatons of carbon dioxide by 2030, meeting their goal of between 398 and 614 megatons.
Power rationing is being conducted to keep the national grid from collapsing, leaving people without power for 10 hours or more per day.
Most of the people of South Africa have lost access to refrigeration, education, communication services, medical services, and work. Over two-thirds of businesses have laid off employees or closed because of the power outages.
Now, South Africa is on the verge of national collapse. That's not hyperbole. What was once a developed nation is about to crash backwards into the Dark Ages. They are facing mass starvation, their businesses are failing, and they have little access to healthcare, which is a recipe for disease and death."
Flóttamenn fara beint í djeilið
"New York has been trying to close down prisons because of a supposed "over-incarceration" problem (something the Jordan Neely case disproved), and last year they shut down the infamous Riker's Island because they apparently don't think as many criminals should go to jail.
The compassionate sanctuary city of New York loves immigrants SO MUCH that they're going to... put them in jail."
Kata Jak hittir aðra fasista. Og líka forsætisráðherra Ítaliu.
"Katrín Jakobsdóttir, forsætisráðherra, er harðlega gagnrýnd á samfélagsmiðlum fyrir móttöku sína á Girogiu Meloni, forsætisráðherra Ítalíu. Vel fór á með þeim á móttöku Leiðtogafundarins í Hörpu í gær og hefur Katrín verið sökuð um að vingast við fasista."
Burtséð frá öllum pólitískum samherjum Kötu, hvernig leist henni á Meloni?
Mikið af fasistum þarna að fárast yfir hinni ágætu Meloni, sem er sennilega eini pólitíkusinn þarna sem er ekki fasisti.
Hún er popúlisti. Sem er dáldið annað.
En, það er mín reynzla að fólk skilur ekki orð.
Að lokum: ríkisstarfsmenn með byssur:
Menn eru svo flottir í júníformi
Einungis ríkisstarfsmönnum er treystandi fyrir byssum, ekki satt?
Þessir hafa örugglega trassað að gelda börnin sín, eða átt fleiri beljur en einhvr annar.
Eðlilegar dánarorsakir í sósíalista útópíunni.
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