Sumum gengur betur

ZH um haturs-išnašinn

"This is agenda-driven hype. The agenda, perfectly expressed by author Michael Shellenberger in a Substack post last week, is to “manufacture a fake ‘hate’ crisis as [a] pretext for mass spying, blacklists, and censorship.” The hype, also exposed by Shellenberger in his recent article, is underscored by the fact that over the past 10 years, hate crime convictions, as opposed to “criminal complaints of hate crimes,” have not increased at all. In a state with 40 million people, hate crime convictions were a minuscule 109 in 2021, and a negligible increase from 107 in 2012.

The hate industry is a vast agglomeration of lucrative hustles, now institutionalized and expanded into multiple and overlapping sectors. There is the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) sector; the equity, social, and governance (ESG) sector; the activist sector comprising countless groups, including Black Lives Matter and Antifa; the corporate, academic, and government sectors; the media sector; the politicians; and the pundits. All of these sectors have spawned scores of thousands of well-paying jobs."

Žaš eru peningar ķ hatri.

BDSM nazistarnir śtskżra žetta.

Žaš er bannaš aš gelda börn ķ Flórķda nśna

"DeSantis signed another batch of legislation, including S.B. 254, which will permanently “outlaw the mutilation of minors,” the governor explained.

"It will outlaw the surgical procedures and experimental puberty blockers for minors. It will also require any adults receiving the surgeries to be informed about the irreversible nature and about the dangers of the procedures," he said."

Flórķda, vondur stašur fyrir kommśnista.

Ęvintżri tranna eru öll af svipušum meiši

"A transgender butcher has pleaded guilty to kidnapping a schoolgirl while dressed as a woman, before holding her hostage and sexually abusing her while telling her she was his new family."

Annaš... vegna žess aš žetta gerist oft į dag

"A 22-year-old suspect named Zion William Teasley has been arrested for allegedly murdering Lauren Heike, a young woman who was living in Scottsdale, Arizona. 

... new details stemming from a police investigation have revealed that upon seeing a picture of the now-deceased woman, Teasley indicated that he wanted to look like her,"


Norman Bates var ekkert undarlegur tranni.

Framtķšin er lķka björt ķ Argentķnu

"Milei's La Libertad Avanza coalition issued its formal request to join the presidential race as the nation’s ruling leftist Frente de Todos coalition flounders in disarray, lacking a presidential candidate after incumbent President Alberto Fernįndez announced in April that he would not run for reelection.

Liberty Advances will present Milei, a 52-year-old economist who built a right-wing coalition through online lectures and fiery cable news appearances, as its presidential candidate, alongside vice presidential running mate Victoria Villarruel.

Milei has presented himself as a fierce anti-communist, often denouncing the ideology as a “murderous system” that has taken the lives of 150 million human beings and describing its offshoot, socialism, as a disease of the soul."


Svķar vilja bęta Svķžjóš

"Sweden must fully prepare to leave the European Union in order to maximize its negotiating position with the bloc, stated Jimmie Åkesson, leader of the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats party."

Žaš sem fólk vill ekki heyra.

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1 Smįmynd: Loncexter

I himnarķki veršur sagt viš óžekk börn; ef žiš veršiš ekki stillt, sendum viš ykkur til jaršarinnar !

Loncexter, 18.5.2023 kl. 15:38

2 Smįmynd: Įsgrķmur Hartmannsson

Jį. Kannski er žetta helvķti...

Įsgrķmur Hartmannsson, 19.5.2023 kl. 15:38

3 Smįmynd: Loncexter

Ef einhverjar geimverur eru aš hugsa sér samskipti eša samneyti viš jaršarbśa, eru žęr vęntanlega ga, ga og nokkuš meira en žaš.

Fari vinstri sinnašir jaršarbśar ķ geimfar til aš finna ašra byggilega plįnetu, veršur lķklega ekki tekiš vel į móti žeim.

Loncexter, 19.5.2023 kl. 17:33

4 Smįmynd: Įsgrķmur Hartmannsson

Vonandi hitta žeir klingonanan fyrst.

Įsgrķmur Hartmannsson, 19.5.2023 kl. 20:58

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