Í Sovíet Rússlandi

Njósnir aukast á Íslandi

"Myndavélar sem keyptar voru í tilefni leiðtogafundar Evrópuráðsins verða ekki fjarlægðar. 24 nýjar vélar voru keyptar að sögn upplýsingafulltrúa lögreglunnar á höfuðborgarsvæðinu."

Og þessi lína fær íróníu-verðlaunin:

"Borgarfulltrúi Sósíalistaflokksins hefur miklar áhyggjur af auknu eftirliti."


Tengdar fréttir?

Maður spyr sig... hvenær verður krabbinn svo mikil plága að það verður ekki hægt að líta framhjá honum?

Af sama meiði

"UK authorities are investigating an “unusual” surge in severe myocarditis which has hit 15 babies in Wales and England and has killed at least one, the World Health Organisation has announced.

Consultant pathologist and HART member Dr. Clare Craig told The Epoch Times that there’s “a massive question about whether or not these babies or the mums are vaccinated.”

HART is an organisation that was set up to share concerns about policy and guidance recommendations relating to the COVID-19 pandemic."

Kaninn týnir 30 tonnum af spreniefni

"A railcar loaded with some 60,000 pounds of the chemical left Cheyenne, Wyoming on April 12, only to be found empty two weeks later at a rail stop in the Mojave Desert, according to a short incident report from the firm which shipped the ammonium, KQED reports."

Kannski er einhver að rækta mikið af hveiti?

Athugið að þetta eru gaurarnir sem halda að það þurfi að bólusetja alla við apabólu

"The World Health Organisation has been urged to withdraw disturbing guidance to schools about sexuality education for young children. 

Children under four should ask questions about sexuality and explore gender identities, according to a detailed WHO report aimed at policy makers across Europe."

Sumir mannbótasinnar hugsa rökrétt

""Although there are no national statistics on whether more women have opted for sterilization because of legal cases limiting abortion rights, some doctors say they've recently seen an increase in requests for such procedures," the left-leaning outlet reported

Dr. Leah Tatum, a spokesperson for the pro-abortion American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), who practices in Austin, Texas, told the outlet that being concerned about access to abortion care has definitely driven up the request for sterilizations."

Til hevrs að fara í fullt af fóstureyðingum ef hægt er að fara í bara eina einfalda aðgerð strax, og fyrirbyggja allt vesen?

Rétt hugsun.

Í Sovíet Rússlandi:

Sagan, eins og hún er

"Yagoda also supervised construction of the White Sea–Baltic Canal with Naftaly Frenkel, using penal labor from the gulag system, during which 12,000–25,000 laborers died.

Yagoda then worked closely with Andrei Vyshinsky in organizing the first Moscow Show Trial, which resulted in prosecution and subsequent execution of Zinoviev and Kamenev in August 1936, beginning the Great Purge. The Red Army high command was not spared and its ranks were thinned by Yagoda, as a precursor to the later and more extensive purge in the Soviet military. More than a quarter of a million people were arrested during the 1934–1935 period; the GULAG system was vastly expanded under his stewardship, and penal labor became a major developmental resource in the Soviet economy."

Meira um þennan mann:

"From 1934-36 Yagoda was the chief of NKVD (People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs). After Kirov’s murder Stalin unleashed an unprecedented terror campaign against his possible opponents. These were the years of the Great Terror.

Over 250,000 were arrested during 1934-35 only. Many were killed as a preventive measurement. Concentration camps were filled with people, most of whom were convicted groundlessly ."

Besti vinur aðal:

"Yezhov was a newcomer in the NKVD circles. Therefore he proved very suitable for Stalin to execute Great Terror. Stalin entrusted him the task of persecuting potential opponents starting with Yagoda himself.

Yezhov was rude and merciless. He launched an unlimited terror campaign. Within just two years, over 1.3 million people were arrested. Nearly 700,000 were shot for “crimes against the state”. The number of people kept in Gulags trippled.

He personally tortured Tuchachevsky and Yagoda. He had Yagoda severely beaten and stripped naked before the execution. The same was done to himself by Beria two years later.

He was tried for spying and bisexuality (probably true) and was secretly shot in 1940 in a Lublanka cellar room that he himself had once planned. His face was erased from every photograph and forgotten."

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1 Smámynd: Loncexter

Hvenær verður krabbin það algengur að fólk fari að tengja ? nú, þegar rúv segir það !

Loncexter, 21.5.2023 kl. 12:40

2 Smámynd: Ásgrímur Hartmannsson

Á endanum neyðist RÚV til að segja eitthvað.  Þeir munu vilja meina að þtta sé eitthvað voða duló, eins og við vitum ekki hvað hefur skeð.

En það er það sem ég bíð eftir.

Ásgrímur Hartmannsson, 21.5.2023 kl. 18:09

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