Ekkert nema fíflagangur

Brezka lögreglan kemst ekki viku án þess að gera sig að fífli

"Just Stop Oil, a lawless climate change activist and terror group in the UK, was blocking traffic on a major road and one citizen had enough of it and did his civic duty to try to get traffic moving again.

He got arrested for his trouble."


Á meðan í Þýzkalandi

"Authorities raided 15 properties across Germany on Wednesday and seized assets in an investigation into the financing of protests by the Last Generation climate activist group, prosecutors said.

Munich prosecutors said they were investigating seven people, ranging in age from 22 to 38, on suspicion of forming or supporting a criminal organization."


Kalifornia er undarlegur staður

"The California State Assembly has passed a bill that would ban Skittles and other delicious candy treats over chemicals contained that are linked to health issues. This is the same state that passed a bill last year making the state a sanctuary for minors seeking sex changes."

Menn eru hressir þarna úti

"The Hunter College (part of the City University of New York) art adjunct who earlier this month trashed a student group’s pro-life table has now threatened a journalist by putting a machete to his neck."

Fuglar á eiturlyfjum

"Seagulls love synthetic cannabinoids, particularly a brand called Spice, which is popular in England - Incidents of the birds swooping down to nick users' stashes of the drug have apparently been reported in Hastings, East Sussex, Margate and Kent, as well as cities including London - A seagull and spice is not a good combo. It turns them into psycho gulls."

Þar höfum við það.

Menn horfa til himins

"A giant ‘black triangular shape’ UFO hovering over a California military base was caught on six videos and witnessed by 50 US Marines in 2021."


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