Pedóar, kolefnistrúarmenn og Antifa. Allt eins.

Á Instagram

"Instagram “helps connect and promote” a vast pedophile network that facilitates the commission and purchases of underage child sex and abuse content, The Wall Street Journal has revealed.

WSJ and researchers at Stanford University and the University of Massachusetts Amherst conducted a sweeping investigation of the top social media site’s algorithm and found that not only does Instagram host this content, it specifically promotes and recommends content sellers to pedophile users."


Loftslags-Gollum spáir heimsendi... aftur

"A reminder from United Nations climate envoy @GretaThunberg that the world will end in seventeen days due to the burning of fossil fuels.

I’m trying to decide how to handle it if it goes badly for Greta’s side – you know. Like, we’re all still here?

I’d use “The Great Disappointment,” but The Millerites already stole that one. At least I have a couple weeks to think of something snappy."



Írska ríkið vs matur

"Last week, the Irish Independent reported on a government document describing plans for a potential cull of up to 65,000 dairy cows per year for the next three years. The paper reportedly obtained the documents from Ireland’s Department of Agriculture through a freedom of information request. In all, killing off 200,000 cows would wipe out about 10 percent of Ireland’s dairy cow population."

Aftur, kolefnistrúarmenn.  Skaðlegasta költ á jörðinni núna.


Kolefnistrúarmenn vita ekki hvernig neitt virkar

"Crazy climate activist goes on and on berating a guy for "sitting in the car with the engine running, polluting the atmosphere" ... He's in a Tesla"

Þvílíkur vitleysingur.  Það eru margir svona.

Úrkynjunarleiði er útbreiddur.

Armenar lemja vinstri-öfgamenn

"Armenian men beat the crap out of Antifa thugs and far-left protestors outside of a school board meeting in Glendale, California Tuesday evening.

Glendale has a large Armenian-Christian population and they are fed up with the LGBTQ/pride events taking place in elementary schools."



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1 Smámynd: Loncexter

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Hlutföllin verða reyndar upside down í ríki Krists þegar það loks opnar.

Loncexter, 8.6.2023 kl. 09:38

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