9.6.2023 | 16:58
Margt á seiði
Call of Duty eru á annarlegri vegferð
"Call of Duty removes popular content creator for tweeting "leave little children alone""
Væstræn siðmenning er að hrynja fyrir augum okkar.
Nútíminn er lélegri en spáð var.
NASA vara við því að gera allt stafrænt
"A groundbreaking mission by NASAs Parker Solar Probe (PSP) has successfully ventured through solar wind for the first time aiming to prevent people on earth being unable to get on the internet.
Scientists have issued warnings about the potential impact of a solar storm, commonly referred to as an internet apocalypse, which could strike within the next decade."
Carrington event.
"A Las Vegas, Nevada family says they saw very large non-human beings in their backyard just moments after an unidentified object crashed into their backyard.
Police were quick to respond arriving to the scene just 30 minutes after their own observations of the unidentified phenomena."
Jákvætt og skemmtilegt.
"Fourteen suspects were busted Thursday following an undercover child sex predator sting in Las Vegas, Nevada, according to police.
In a social media post, the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department said the group was arrested for allegedly luring a minor with a computer to engage in sex during the operation authorities performed on June 1 and 2"
"Western-provided ammunition destined for Ukraine fell prey to train thieves in Poland on Sunday. Local media reported that the now detained criminals had not targeted the military cargo intentionally, but rather chosen the crates by chance."
Flokkur: Vísindi og fræði | Facebook
"Nútíminn er lélegri en spáð var." - Raunverleikinn er bara ekkert skemmtilegur og allra síst hægt að sjá hverjir fá orðið í fjölmiðlum.
Rúnar Már Bragason, 9.6.2023 kl. 23:48
Þetta er kínverska bölvunin. Við fáum að vera uppi á áhugaverðum tímum.
Ásgrímur Hartmannsson, 10.6.2023 kl. 21:41
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.