Overton glugginn er á hreyfingu


Biden og Co vilja sýna börnum klám

"In April of this year, Officials in Llano County, Texas, declined to vote on closing libraries after dozens of books containing sexual and racial content that were previously banned were returned to shelves by order of a federal judge."



Samtök samkynhneigðra og perverta óttast breytingu

"There’s been a noticeable vibe shift to begin this year’s “Pride Month”—the holiest of times in the secular Left’s liturgical calendar.

It’s clear that many Americans have become fed up with the insanity. They are fed up with the Rainbow Mafia dominating our society, and most of all, they are fed up with the extreme demands of the LGBTQ+ movement attempting to bend every institution to its will."

Tengt mál.

Það er svona bullshit sem samtökin 22 eru að reyna að berjast gegn.

RIP Unabomber

"Ted Kaczynski, who was better known as the Unabomber, was serving a life sentence after sending by mail a series of homemade bombs around the country."

Gaurinn hafði ekki rangt fyrir sér.  Hlustið bara.  Þarna segir hann hvers vegna hann var að reyna að sprengja þetta fólk í loft upp.


Þessu tengt.


Tillögur að stærra Idaho hafa byr undir vængjum

"Voters in Crook County, Oregon, will participate in advisory balloting next May, joining a dozen other counties in the state which have already approved starting the steps to attach eastern Oregon to Idaho.

The Greater Idaho website lists a half dozen reasons to join Idaho, including Oregon’s 1) violation of Amercan values by the state’s western majority; 2) lack of law and order plus infringement on the right to self-defense; 3) high taxes; 4) mismanagement of forests; 5) higher regulation, unemployment, and cost of living, and 6) lack of rural representation."

Gaman að fylgjast með þessu.


Þýzkur hagfræðingur segir að andstaða við flökkufólk gæti fækkað flökkufólki

"Marcel Fratzscher, President of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), warned that a “strengthening” of the populist right in Germany would hinder the massive waves of immigration into the country."

Hún ætti að bæta í, og vara fólk við hættunni sem skapast af því að glæpum gæti fækkað í kjölfarið.  Eða því að fólk gæti átt á hættu að hækka í launum, eða borga lægri skatta.

Allt miklar ógnir.


Fleiri en 10K kínverjar náðust á landamærum USA síðan í Október

"Nearly 13,000 Chinese nationals have been apprehended trying to cross the United States' southern border illegally since October 1, 2022, A nearly 1,000 percent increase from last year's total. 

According to Breitbart, approximately 84% of those apprehended are single adults who are eventually released to pursue asylum in the US. The apprehensions grew steadily over the last year. In March 2022, 74 Chinese nationals were apprehended, 146 in April, and more than 1,000 a month by January 2023."

Hve margir komust yfir?


Heimskupör Íslenskra ráðmanna eru dýrkeypt

"Iceland has announced that it’s suspending operations at its Moscow embassy, arguing that maintaining a diplomatic presence in Russia makes no sense given the current state of bilateral relations.

Reykjavik has requested that Moscow, too, limit the operations of its embassy in Iceland and lower the level of diplomatic representation.

Russia has, in turn, put Iceland on its list of unfriendly nations."

Ágætt að taka slæmt ástand og gera það verra.


Og að lokum þetta klassíska verk.

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1 Smámynd: Loncexter

Blindfullir rússar gætu tekið mun betri ákvarðanir en íslenskir ráðamenn.

Gætu líklega keyrt betur en þeir líka.

Loncexter, 11.6.2023 kl. 10:35

2 Smámynd: Ásgrímur Hartmannsson

Ástandið er slíkt að það er erfitt að finna einhvern verri en Íslenska ráðamenn.

Fyrir hvern þeir eru að vinna veit ég ekki, en það er ekki fyrir okkur.

Ásgrímur Hartmannsson, 11.6.2023 kl. 20:08

3 Smámynd: Loncexter

Þeir fá soros tékka um hver mánaðarmót held ég.

Og líka fé frá saklausum skattgreiðendum.

Loncexter, 12.6.2023 kl. 11:48

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