Vitleysa dagsins

1 af hverjum 5 daušsföllum er vegna "bóluefna"

"Ķ maķ og jśnķ lét­ust 240 til 250 ein­stak­ling­ar ķ hvor­um mįnuši sem merk­ir aš Ķsland er meš yfir 20% hlut­fall um­framdaušsfalla ķ bįšum mįnušum. Aš mešaltali lét­ust 198 lands­menn ķ hverj­um mįnuši į įr­un­um 2018 til 2022. Aš 40 til 50 ein­stak­ling­ar hafi lįt­ist ķ maķ og jśnķ um­fram mešaltal sķšustu fimm įra er skelfi­legt. Meš sama įfram­haldi myndu 500 til 600 ķs­lensk­ir ein­stak­ling­ar hljóta ótķma­bęr­an daušdaga į 12 mįnušum mišaš viš reynslu lišinna įra."

Rķkiš er bśiš aš myrša fleiri en 600.

FBI tilkynnt um sķna eigin glępi

"The FBI took to twitter and asked Americans to report any criminal activity to them through their tips website.

The FBI is the leading criminal organization in America today!

The FBI:
** Spied on President Trump based on phony information
** Lied to the American people about spying on Trump
** Hid the Hunter laptop
** Still can’t find the Hunter laptop
** Lied about the laptop
** Lied to the American public during Trump’s impeachment knowing Trump did nothing wrong
** Sent operatives to the US Capitol on January 6
** Infiltrated the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers
** Raided homes of their political opposition
** Raided the opposition candidate’s home on junk charges
** Ignored Hunter Biden’s hundreds of crimes
** Set up poor white men in Michigan
** Ignored Biden Family treasonous deals
** Lied about investigating the criminal acts in the 2020 election

And just yesterday – on Monday – we discovered the FBI censored Americans who did not support Ukrainian War."

Ja... žeir bįšu um žetta.

Lifir rebbi žetta af?

"A Virginia woman went through a harrowing incident earlier this week when a rabid gray fox attacked her while she was cleaning out her car.

In desperation to get the rabid critter off of her, Shirley bit back."


Žaš lęšist aš mér sį grunur aš Rśssar taki žetta ekki mjög alvarlega

"A Russian military unit has found itself in the media spotlight, after humorous videos of the soldiers capturing a US-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicle from the Ukrainian army went viral. Their reported interest in anime has further stirred up public interest."

... žaš var og.


Mönnum er ekki viš bjargandi

"A Democrat mayor in Georgia was arrested and charged on counts of burglary and trespassing on Saturday. He also founded the Atlanta #BlackLivesMatter Chapter. He is out on a $11,000 bond."

Žaš er ekki nóg aš vera ķ vel launašri vinnu.

Lķšandi stund

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