16.7.2023 | 17:04
Menn safna hauskúpum, stela skriðdrekum af NATO og drekka bjór.
"FBI agents discovered over 40 human skulls inside a Kentucky mans apartment in connection to an investigation into stolen human body parts from Harvard Medical Schools morgue."
Stundum, einu sinni á Bbláu tungli, þá rannsakar FBI víst glæpi.
"The Brevard County Republican Executive Committee (BREC) has passed a resolution in a landslide vote to ban the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, deeming it and the virus a biological and technological weapon."
Svo við rifjum það upp: innan við 30 dóu *úr* kína kvefinu "fyrir" bólusetningu, en 100+ dóu úr því eftir að hafa verið bólusettir fyrir því.
"In short, the Ukrainians demonstrated that NATO's weapons are crap.
Evidence of this built up slowly over time.
First, it turned out that various bits of US-made shoulder-fired junk anti-aircraft Stingers, anti-tank Javelins, etc are rather worse than useless in modern combat.
Next, it turned out that the M777 howitzer and the HIMARS rocket complex are rather fragile and aren't field-maintainable.
The next wonder-weapon thrown at the Ukrainian problem was the Patriot missile battery. It was deployed near Kiev and the Russians quickly made a joke of it. They attacked it with their super-cheap Geranium 5 "flying moped" drones, causing it to turn on its active radar, thereby unmasking its position, and then fire off its entire load of rockets a million dollars' worth! after which point it just sat there, unmasked and defenseless, and was taken out by a single Russian precision rocket strike."
M-16 vs AK-12. Annað er mjög svipað og hitt, nema þú getur sett kíki á M-16 og ætlast til að hann haldist þar kjur.
"While noting that both Russia and Western countries have modern equipment, he said that Moscow has no intention of passing up the chance to examine Western technology up close. If there is an opportunity to look inside and see if there is something that we can apply, then why not? "
Pútín stelur fullt af eignum útlendra fyrirtækja
"Russia has temporarily nationalized the assets of two major food and beer manufacturers. All foreign shares of Danone Russia, which is controlled by its French parent company, and Baltika Breweries, controlled by the Danish Carlsberg Group, have been handed over to the Russian Federal Property Management Agency following a presidential decree."
Pútín þarf bjór.
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