Ekkert má lengur

Cherry 2000 stendur ekki undir vonum

""If we think a few years further and think of Neuralink and other ways of connecting directly to your nervous system, why would you need another being in the first place?" Gawdat speculated while appearing on Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu."

Þetta er eitthvað "Ghost in the shell" bullshit.


Nú er bannað að gelda börn í Louisiana

"Sex changes for minors will now be banned in the state of Louisiana after the Republican-controlled legislature overturned a veto from Democrat Gov. John Bel Edwards on Tuesday."

Barnageldarar reiðir og hóta öllu illu, eins og venjulega:

"This veto override really seemed to upset Louisiana State University’s Professor Marcus Venable, who allegedly left a very angry voicemail for an elected official that threatens death.  He calls Senator Mike Fesi a “big fat-headed mother f***er” and says he “can’t wait to read your name in the f***ing obituary.”"

Menn sem vilja skera kynfærin af börnum eru ekki góðir.  Ég skil ekki af hverju ég þarf að segja það, en svona er heimurinn orðinn.


Hvað varðar banka um skoðanir manna?

"Nigel Farage had his bank accounts shut down with the high-net-worth bank Coutts after officials decided the former conservative politician’s views did not align with the bank’s values, it has emerged."

Lélegur banki, þetta.

Költistar eru ekki þekktir fyrir að vera sérstakir hugsuðir.

Islamistar kveikja í sænska sendiráðinu

"A large crowd of rioters stormed the Swedish Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq and set the building ablaze, in the early hours of Thursday morning. The angry demonstration in Iraq is seen as a response to the latest in a string of protests planned for Stockholm, sanctioned by Swedish police, during which an activist is expected to burn the Muslim holy book, the Koran."

Alltaf áhugavert.

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