21.7.2023 | 15:43
Hitt og žetta ķ dag
Įframhaldandi nišurgangur Anhauser Busch
""That sales spiral continued throughout Q2 at Union venues as the boycott took a stronghold across the US, dropping 34 percent in sales share compared to the prior year, since the fallout began on April 1."
We have noted that Bud Light was dethroned last month as the number-one-selling beer in America by Constellation Brands' Modelo. However, Cox said data from their POS machines "reveals that guests are now spending more on Miller Lite than Bud Light in on-premise accounts.""
It's Miller time!
Athugašu sjįlfur.
Yforvöld ķ Portland, Oregon vilja aš rónar troši eiturlyfjum ķ rassinn į sér
"In June, the Multnomah County Health Department spent over $84,000 on paraphernalia for local drug users. It has since been revealed that among the items purchased using taxpayer dollars was a guide teaching addicts how to inject substances up their anus, a practice known as "boofing.""
Fréttirnar eru fyrir löngu oršnar eins og langur Monty Python žįttur.
"Former Congressman Anthony Weiner is best known for his proclivities toward young girls and went to prison for sending sexually explicit texts to a 15-year-old female.
Weiner went on Iranian-American entrepreneur Patrick Bet-Davids podcast this morning and the host confronted him with a list of dead people who had been previously associated with the Clintons. This list is known as the Clinton Body Count.
Once Bet-David queried Weiner about why the Clintons have this reputation of death following them, Weiner had what is being accurately described as an unhinged meltdown."
Biden fjölskildan eru allt bófar, viršist vera
"Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has released a bombshell FBI document dated July 30,2020, in which a respected confidential human source (CHS) alleged that then-presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden received $10 million in bribes."
Žetta mį, viršist vera. Demókratar hljóta aš vera Amerķska śtgįfan af Samfylkingunni.
Segiš svo aš žaš sé munur į Ķslandi og USA.
"Fargo Officer Zach Robinson likely prevented a deadly terror attack last weekend He killed Mohamad Barakat, who was armed with a grenade and 1,800 rounds of ammo Barakat shot a bunch of cops and was likely headed for the annual street fair. Officer Robinson shot him dead."
Jihad endar.
Fólk aš verša leitt į barnageldurunum
"Thurmond was not the only state official to intervene in the Riverside County communitys decision. State Attorney General Rob Bonta wrote to the board to object to notifying parents when children want to change their gender, warning of potential infringements on students privacy rights and educational opportunities.
Parents at the meeting disagreed, saying that the state was infringing their rights to guide their own children."
Yfirvöld vilja ólm tįlga börnin til.
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Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.