22.7.2023 | 23:07
I don't want to set the world on fire...
Bara sķšasta vika fyrir Hunter Biden
"1. In 2014, Burisma Holdings hired Hunter Biden to influence his father, VP Joe Biden, in handling Ukraine's chief prosecutor investigating the company for corruption. Joe Biden successfully had the prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees.
2. Burisma informed the FBI informant that the Biden bribe money had illicit intentions or was part of a criminal scheme.
3. Burisma's CEO believed he was "coerced" to hire Hunter Biden and considered it a package deal involving VP Joe Biden's assistance. The total payment required was $10 million.
"Back in 2019, I got to interview Victor Shokin. And he was completely unaware of what the FBI was saying, but here's what he told me. When President Poroshenko came to him, he said Joe Biden wants me to fire you. I don't really have a reason, but I'm going to have to do it.
He's upset that you won't stop investigating Burisma. Just think about that. That was mocked at the time, but now the FBI was being told something exactly the same and it wasn't getting it from Shokin, but it was getting it from the owner of Burisma, Mykola Zlochevsky, and his top lieutenant.
This was in the Fall of 2019 before the impeachment of Donald Trump. Keep in mind Donald Trump got impeached for asking Ukraine to investigate the things that the FBI now should have investigated. It's pretty remarkable."
4. The FBI informant confirmed that Burisma officials referred to Joe Biden as the "Big Guy," supporting claims later made by Tony Bobulinski in 2020.
5. Burisma was concerned that the corruption probe into the company by Prosecutor Shokin would jeopardize their plans to acquire a US oil and gas firm and go public in America.
6. Burisma's CEO and top official, Vadym Pozharskyi, acknowledged Hunter Biden's lack of experience in the energy sector and were not impressed by his work, saying that he "was not smart."
7. Burisma's CEO boasted that tracking the $10 million payment to the Bidens would be extremely difficult and could take up to ten years to find the records."
Ef žetta vęri einhver annar, vęri hann kominn ķ rafmagnsstólinn, ogętti aš vera žar ķ nokkur įr.
"The ATF agent appears to be at an indoor range in Austin. The agent is on the wrong side of a loading table while he loads a magazine for a Nazi MP 40 submachine gun. You will notice that the sub-gun is pointed at the agent's testicles."
ATF. Pro-trans alla leiš.
Fyrir lengra komna.
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Sósķalķski verkamannaflokkurinn er hręddur. Hahahaha!
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Fasistar verša bara aš sętta sig viš aš žaš vilja ekki allir bśa ķ dystópiu žar sem ekkert mį, og yfirvöld vilja naušga börnunum ykkar og skera svo kynfęrin af žeim.
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Ekki fara aš skoša Tal Megiddo žennan įratug.
Žegar gervigeindin umgengst venjulegt fólk of lengi...
Ted Nugent hafši rétt fyrir sér žį lķka
"The opportunity to speak to the people that went ahead and got the jab. I speak their language. I would speak to them vastly. Meeeh, Meeeh, Meeeh, Meeeh. They understand that."
Ted Nugent talar tungumįl normķsanna
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Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.