29.7.2023 | 18:11
Óundirbúna fréttasafn dagsins
Þetta er alltaf óundirbúið.
"One alleged truck thief is dead, another wounded in a Texas shootout that also left the vehicle's owner wounded. The dead man's brother audaciously claims "the victim was my brother" -- a sentiment that will find few subscribers in the Lone Star State.
A 45-year-old man exited the mall along with his female passenger, only to find his Ford truck was missing. Looking around, they spotted the truck in a nearby lot at the same mall -- with the apparent thieves sitting in it.
The owner approached his truck and -- displaying a pistol -- ordered the 34-year-old male driver and the thief's 25-year-old female passenger to step outside and take a seat on the pavement. Two minutes after police were called, the male suspect drew a pistol from his waistband and shot the truck's owner.
The owner returned fire, hitting and killing the shooter and critically wounding the shooter's companion. Clarifying the account at a press conference held at the mall, San Antonio police chief William McManus said, "The bad guy is the one dead, yes. The driver of the stolen vehicle is deceased, shot by the owner of the stolen vehicle.""
Sum vandamál eru auðleyst. En bara í Texas.
Amerísk poppmenninng er eins og hún er.
Vísindamenn nota vísindin til að búa til vandamál
"Scientists have successfully genetically engineered invasive female fruit flies to reproduce without the need for males."
Það síðasta sem við þurfum er meindýr sem gengur betur að fjölga sér.
Norður Kóreisk flugskeyti notuð til þess að skjóta eitthvað annað en sjóinn
"Ukrainian artillery crews are utilising missiles for the Soviet-era Grad multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS) produced in the communist nation of North Korea, according to the Financial Times.
Speaking to the FT, a Ukrainian artillery commander identified as Ruslan said that his troops were not inclined to use the missiles from North Korea, which were likely produced in the 1980s and 1990s, as they are unreliable, with a high dud rate, but said: We need every rocket we can get."
Hljómar gæfulega.
Þetta trans-æði er gengið of langt
"A Japanese man, who goes by his dog alter ego Toco, took his first public stroll since his $16,000 transformation into a rough collie."
... af hverju?
"Massive Firebombing in Seattle Possibly Linked to Drug War Between Competing Homeless Camps."
Jújú, það er meira:
"Homeless camps are now waging war on each other over control of the drug trade. A man from one camp is suspected of going into another and igniting explosive materials, causing a huge fire and almost killing people in the process."
Hmm... sá sem bjó þetta til hefur þá ekki heyrt um La Guerre Estupido? (AKA War of the Triple Alliance, ef einhver hefur internet og áhuga á sögu.)
NASA í námu-starfsemi í geimnum
"It is an exciting mission that will confirm once and for all if an asteroid near Mars has the potential to bring down the world's economy.
Far-fetched as it may seem, scientists say the 16 Psyche space rock could be worth such an unfathomable amount of money that this outcome is not out of the realms of possibility.
That's because some believe it is packed full of precious metals with a value in excess of $10,000 quadrillion."
Einhver... hvað kom fyrir á Spáni þegar þeir komu með allt þetta gull frá Nýja Heiminum?
Ekki jafn mikill brandari og við myndum vilja...
"The era of global warming has ended. The era of global boiling has arrived. The air is unbreathable, the heat is unbearable, and the level of fossil fuel profits and climate inaction is unacceptable."
Segir yfir kommúnistinn.
Orkukerfi kanans er í vanda vegna Ríkisafskifta
"On Thursday, the largest US power grid operator PJM Interconnection LLC issued a level-one emergency over concerns they would not be able to maintain adequate power reserves as customers deal with scorching temperatures.
This comes as Federal regulators approved new rules to speed up the process of connecting renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, to the electrical grid, the New York Times reports. It notes that the energy companies have invested billions in renewable energy due to federal incentives but they take a long time to get approval to connect to the power grid."
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