30.7.2023 | 17:41
Moomin daušans
Kķnverar hafa leynilega lķfefnavopnaverksmišju ķ Kalķfornķu
"YourCentralValley.com reports that the discovery was made after a local code enforcement officer noticed this garden hose poking out a back wall of the building.
Public Health staff also observed blood, tissue and other bodily fluid samples and serums; and THOUSANDS of vials of unlabeled fluids and suspected biological material.
Additionally they found 900 genetically engineered mice, engineered to catch and carry COVID-19, living in inhumane conditions."
Einhver bara fann žetta fyrir slysni. Ekki CIA, heldur einhver gaur.
"According to the Wall Street Journal, who cited an anonymous source close to the situation, X has been assured that Wests newly restored account will not be used to distribute anti-Semitic rhetoric."
Nigel Farage berst gegn śrkynjun ķ bankakerfinu
"After successfully leading the campaign to see the United Kingdom leave the globalist EU project, Brexits Nigel Farage has a new target in his sights; the increasingly woke and authoritarian banking industry.
This month, Mr Farage has engaged in a very public battle with the NatWest banking group over the decision of its subsidiary Coutts to close his account for his views on issues such as Brexit, coronavirus vaccines, the radical LGBT agenda, and his friendships with figures such as President Donald Trump, and finally, the subsequent leaks to the BBC about his personal account details from the now-fired NatWest CEO."
Žaš ętti nįttśrlega aš vera hverjum manni óžolandi aš žurfa aš vera barnanaušgari til žess aš geta notaš bankana.
Sem er reyndar eina mįliš žar sem yfirvöld viršast fara fram meš fordęmi...
GP żjar aš žvķ aš Obama hafi drekkt kokkinum sķnum
"Citizen journalist Travis of Flint, Michigan wrote, just days after his personal chef and friend died in a very mysterious paddle boarding accident, Barack Obama appears to have injured fingers and a black eye. We still dont know who the other person was and Obama loves paddle boarding. I think we can all guess what happened at this point!"
Žaš kemur į daginn nokkru seinn aš žetta er rétt.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Gas
"A childrens book in Canada is pushing kids aged 6-12-years-old to believe that euthanasia is OK."
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Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.