9.8.2023 | 23:43
Mįlm Bśdda
Žessi berst fyrir žvķ sem hśn trśir į. Hatrammlega.
Hśn fékk žaš sem hśn baršist fyrir, og er vanžakklįt. Vanžakklįt!
"A cross-national analysis recently published in The Lancet Psychiatry has found that if current trends persist, over half the world's population will develop a mental illness by the age of 75."
USA fjįrmagnar Talibana... af einhverjum įstęšum
"A report from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction that was released a week ago found that since the American military left Kabul with 13 U.S. service members killed and with billions of dollars in equipment left behind, money has continued to flow in.
SIGAR released its findings in a report dated July 30 and noted that a significant amount of taxpayers funds had been given to the country since late 2021."
Góšur dķll žetta. Fyrir Talibanana.
Śrkynjun leišir til gjaldžrots.
Brons lķkneski af Mick Jagger & Keith Richards
"Rolling Stones legends Mick Jagger and Keith Richards have been honoured with bronze statues in their home town.
The statues, commissioned by Dartford borough council, show Jagger with a microphone in hand while Richards has his head bent over his 'Micawber' Telecaster guitar."
Žaš er gott aš vera krimmi ķ USA nśna
"Republicans on the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday revealed over $20 million in payments they claim foreign actors from places like Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan sent the Biden family and their associates while Joe Biden was vice president.
In one instance, Kazakh oil oligarch Kenes Rakishev wired $142,000 to Hunter Biden's shell corporation to buy a new Porsche (which Hunter bought the next day), before a dinner was set up between the oligarch and Joe Biden, bank records show.
And on March 25, 2014, there were two separate transfers for $2.2 million and $200,000 respectively into the Rosemont Seneca Bohai account, which Hunter and Devon Archer used to receive other personal payments such as those from Burisma. The committee says Hunter then transferred the money into another Rosemont Seneca Bohai account that he and Archer were able to access."
It ain't me, I'm no senator's son.
Žetta er eitthvaš allt annaš.
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