Hitler syngur fyrir þig


Einræna stelpan er að sigra.

"The UK has a number of Orwellian “hate speech” laws.

The mother of the girl, who filmed the ordeal, insisted that the girl was just making an observation, as her grandmother is also a lesbian."

Það er hatursorðræða að eiga lesbíska ömmu.

Í tengdum fréttum.

Þetta lítur út eins og þetta lítur út:

"The Russian Defense Ministry has announced that its front line assault units have "improved their forward positions while conducting offensive actions" in an area bordering Russia’s Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, in the northeast.

These successes were announced of the Kupyansk area in the Kharkiv Oblast, and further the military claimed to have repelled seven Ukrainian counter-attacks over the prior 24 hours."


Stríðið í Úkraníu virðist spilast út eins og tölvuleikurinn Dune 2.  Sama taktík virkar á Úkraníumenn og á tölvu-andstæðinginn.

Þetta er ekki búið

"Former college tennis star Lilly Kimbell died of a heart attack at 31 after she suddenly collapsed at home and was rushed to the hospital."

7-15 ár eftir.

Með smá frönskum hreim líka.

Musk vs Zuckerberg

"Musk is in luck after proposing a mixed martial arts cage fight against Zuckerberg on Sunday. However, on Monday, Musk found a way to potentially postpone the fight that would've been live-streamed on "X," formerly known as Twitter, by saying: "Exact date is still in flux. I'm getting an MRI of my neck & upper back tomorrow. May require surgery before the fight can happen. Will know this week.""

Mestur vindurinn er að fara úr þessu.


And-kommúnískur frambjóðandi skotinn til bana

"Villavicencio was walking out of a campaign event in Quito on Wednesday evening when a flurry of gunfire, caught on video, ended his life.

The Ecuadorian presidential race was already heavily contested; most recent polls show no clear winner. A recent poll by the firm Click Research found that more than 40 percent of Ecuadorians were undecided on their candidates and no candidate surpassed 25 percent support. Voting is mandatory for all Ecuadorian citizens over the age of 18.

Prior to his candidacy, Villavicencio had worked as a journalist, exposing socialist former President Rafael Correa’s corruption and accusing him of engaging in shady oil deals with China that hurt the Ecuadorian economy. Correa sentenced Villavicencio to 18 months in prison for insulting him in 2014, which Villavicencio avoided by living with an indigenous Amazonian tribe."

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