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"Seg­ir Žór­dķs rįšuneyti mjög fįlišuš ķ jślķ..."

Žau eru alltaf ofmönnuš.  Einu rįšuneytin sem eru passlega mönnuš eru žau sem hafa enn ekki veriš stofnuš.

En žaš er ekkert hęgt aš śtskżra žaš fyrir kommśnistum.

Talandi um kommśinista:


Aušvelt: žetta er allt spurning um aš vera nógu hįttsettur eša nógu rķkur.

Spyrjiš bara Alec Baldwin & Clinton hjónin.

Easy peasy.

Raunsęar glępasögur yršu svolķtiš nišurdrepandi til lengdar.

Meira aš segja Johnny Rotten heldur aš heimurinn sé kominn of lang til vinstri

"The forefather of punk slammed liberals for advocating mass immigration and destroying working-class values in favor of "fashionable elitism"...

They invite black people to dinner because they are black and because it is trendy, but it’s mostly condescending,” Lydon said.

“They advocate massive immigration for which there should no longer be any rules because such rules are equated with racism. They quarter the refugees in working-class neighborhoods where the people are already very poor, which in turn leads to more unemployment and more crime.

Lydon points out that “if you say something against it, you will be labeled as a racist. But I’m not a racist and never will be."

"Politics is destroying working-class values ā€‹ā€‹based on empathy, love, and respect, not stealing from each other and helping each other when you need it. These are all values ā€‹ā€‹that are now being pushed aside in favor of fashionable elitism,” he added."

 Ķ tilefni af Gay Pride:

"A transgender “man” who confessed to molesting autistic children at a therapy center where they were employed has been found dead in their jail cell.

At least one of the victims was still in diapers.

The deceased predator, Leomeir Kennedy, 31, was identified in court documents as a “transgender man” — meaning they were likely born female. Neutral pronouns are being used in this report because the biological sex is unclear."

Trans og pedo.  Er "Q" ķ LGBTQ fyrir pedo, eša er P žarna einhversstašar ķ sśpunni?

Žrjįr hnattręnar hlżnanir handteknar

"As a wildfire that has killed at least 55 and left thousands without shelter continues to wreak havoc on Maui, a story from 2022 has resurfaced of a group arrested on the Hawaiian island after setting a series of suspicious brush fires."


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