Let's go Brandon... Herrera

Þessi ágæti maður hyggst komast á þing í Texas.

Óvænt.  Sniðugt slagorð samt.

Frakkar fá að borga meira fyrir mat

"Prices for food and beverages sold in French supermarkets soared 13.1% in July on an annualized basis, according to the latest data published by the national statistics bureau INSEE.

The spending cut comes on top of an urgent need to reduce the sovereign debt, which reached 111.6% of the nation’s GDP. The austerity measures are expected to ensure the reduction of public debt to 108.3% of the economy by 2027."

Svona gerist þegar fólk leyfir ríkinu að sjá um fjármálin.  Við vitum það vel.

Brezkir pólitíkusar reyna að stemma stigum við eigin óvinsældum

"Following steep public backlash and a disastrous by-election result attributed to anger over leftist London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s widely despised plan to expand the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) car tax scheme to all of London, the Labour Party has reportedly scrapped plans to campaign on bringing the Great Reset-style scheme to the rest of the country."

Þetta var of augljóst plan til þess að eyðileggja líf venjulegs fólks.


Söngvari Lostprophets verður fyrr aðkasti pedófóbískra manna

"The 46-year-old singer was reportedly grabbed by three fellow inmates and held hostage before being stabbed and left to die in a cell, according to the Mirror."

Og svo framvegis...

Hlusta ekki á Lostprophets...

Og hér eru trannar að ráðast á kvenfólk... aftur

"Radical trans activists descended upon the Texas State Capitol in Austin, Texas on Saturday to protest a free speech event called #LetWomenSpeak.

Far-left activists referred to the women as "fascists" and pledged to make them know "they ain't welcome."

Meghan Murphy spoke about the trans movement teaching kids that their bodies are wrong, and how professionals are pushing children to multilate their bodies and undergo child sex changes."

Barnageldararnir gera sig óvinsælli með hverjum degi sem líður.  Eins og þess hafi þurft...


"Here's the craziest part: The light took "12.9 billion years to reach Earth," but the star itself is estimated to be even more insanely distant from our planet — "over 28 billion light years."

That's because the universe is constantly expanding, and the expansion goes faster at even greater distances. We don't notice the expanding cosmos between us and, say, Mars — it's too small to measure. But put a star 12.9 billion light years away and the expansion gets real fast, real fast."

Önnur kenning segir að heimurinn sé ekkert að þenjast út, eins og kirkjunnar menn halda fram, og red-shift sé bara vegna fjarlægðarinnar sem slíkrar.

En það er auka-atriði.

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