14.8.2023 | 09:47
Andśš blašamanna į mannréttindum
"The Canadian province of Quebec is telling its doctors to refrain from killing patients that have asked to die by lethal injection through the country's controversial medically assisted suicide program.
Nearly 5,000 patients died by MAiD within the last year, amounting to roughly 8 percent of all deaths in the province, the outlet reports.
This comes after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Canada encouraged doctors to discuss medically assisted deaths with patients."
Ég er farinn aš verša hissa į aš žeir bśi ekki bara til pylsur śr öllu žessu fólki sem žeir eru aš myrša žarna.
Blašamašur ķ Kansas ofsóttur af lögreglu fyrir aš flytja fréttir, og deyrr
"The co-owner of a Kansas newspaper died on Saturday after law enforcement officers conducted an unprecedented raid on the paper on Friday, seizing computers, cellphones, and documents from the office and its reporters in what the publisher called an attack on the first amendment.
Meyer reported last week that Kari Newell had reportedly kicked out Marion County Record reporters from a public forum that featured Republican US congressman Jake LaTurner.
Meyer said a confidential source contacted the newspaper and offered information that Newell had been convicted of drunk driving and continued to drive without a license. Her criminal background may affect her attempts to secure a liquor license for her catering company. The source is allegedly Newells husband that had recently filed for divorce, according to Kansas Reflector.
Meyer decided not to publish an article about the information they had received, and instead alerted police about Newells alleged criminal violation."
Žetta var frétt sem fólk žurfti aš heyra.
Į mešan, į fasista-įróšursveitunni MBL:
"Mišar sem vara viš kynblendun og hafa veriš į dreifingu ķ Noršurbę Hafnarjaršar hafa ekki rataš į borš lögreglu."
Hér er blašamašur aš furša sig į aš mišar, žar sem skošun er tjįš, skuli ekki rannsakašir af lögreglu. Og aš eru ritvillur lķka, the horror.
Veit blašamašur ekki aš tjįning er lögleg? Žaš er ekki einhver ein rķkis-skošun, žó blašamašur vilji žaš kannski.
Hvaš hefur blašamašur MBL svona į móti grundvallar-mannréttindum?
Fólk žarf ašeins aš gį aš žvķ hvaš žaš bišur um.
Pólverjar kjósa um ólöglega innflytjendur
""Do you support the admission of thousands of illegal immigrants from the Middle East and Africa under the forced relocation mechanism imposed by the European bureaucracy?" Morawiecki asked in a Sunday social media video. The brief clip also featured scenes of burning cars and other forms of violence in Western Europe."
Viltu glępamenn? Jį eša nei?
Silfur Egils, nema meš minni fasisma.
And-fasķskur hópur herjar į fasista
"Citizens of London are furious over the citys Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) rules that renders a large section of the city practically inaccessible by car [...] citizens were instantly barred from driving to the grocery store, their schools, their church, or their jobs unless they want to pay an additional $16 a day fine.
A group calling themselves the ULEZ blade runners is striking back and has engaged in a massive act of civil disobedience by vandalizing, disabling, or blocking the Big Brother surveillance system with which Mayor Khan has burdened them."
Alvöru and-fasķskar ašgeršir.
Žetta getur Antifa ekki drullast til žess aš gera, enda stendur sį hópur ekkert undir nafni.
Bretland fyrir ykkur.
"Jenny Watson was accused of "transphobia" and her event was investigated after she said only "adult human females" could turn up to a same-sex speed dating event.
She told the Mail on Sunday: Last year, a person turned up sporting a purple latex outfit and an erection."
Betra aš fį gos žarna en į Völlunum
"Dregiš hefur śr skjįlftahrinunni nęrri Geirfugladrangi į Reykjaneshrygg sem hófst klukkan 19:30 ķ gęrkvöldi."
Langt ķ žaš samt, ef af veršur - 5 įr, kannski. Stefnan viršist vera į Keili, (į nęsta įri) svo vellina, jafnvel įlveriš. En fyrst: keilir.
Eša gos veršur śti fyrir Reykjanesi ķ stašinn. Efir svona 4-6 mįnuši. Grynnkar ašeins į svęšinu.
Bara jįkvętt.
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Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.