19.8.2023 | 21:59
Vandamįliš felur ķ sér lausnina
Mmm... jį.
"The grasslands that the wildfire blew through did not dry overnight. The area where the wildfires occurred has been in moderate to severe drought. Drought conditions are a significant risk factor for out-of-control wildfires.
So the Maui government had actual knowledge of drought conditions and constructive knowledge that arson was a possibility. Yet no warning was issued to the public or emergency plans made for the possibility of wildfire until it was too late on August 9."
Eins og venjulega.
Žess vegna vill fólk aš rķkiš stjórni öllu. Til žess aš ekkert virki.
Biden og co vilja hefja ašra kóvitleysu
"The Biden regime is preparing to reinstate full COVID-19 lockdowns, beginning with masking mandates for TSA and airport employees reportedly as early as mid-September, Infowars first to report.
This source corroborated the directives, confirming that similar measures were being planned for Border Patrol personnel."
Žaš var tilgangslaust žį, ķ auglżstum tilgangi amk...
Žetta er Ķslenska rķkiš aš styšja
"On the weekend of Aug. 5-6, Ukraine lost 2,040 men, Russia claimed. Since then, losses have been 8,570, including 4,215 in the last five days alone, according to Russian claims: 845 on Aug. 14, 735 on Aug. 15, 890 on Aug. 16, 810 on Aug. 17 and 935 yesterday.
That would put total Ukrainian losses, which observers like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. estimated at 350,000 before the start of the much-vaunted Spring Offensive, at over 400,000."
Fólk vill alltaf allt ašra hluti en ég.
"An agent with the US Internal Revenue Service accidentally shot and killed a colleague during a training exercise at a federal gun range in Phoenix, Arizona on Thursday, local media reported."
Stundum vinnur vandamįliš aš lausninni į sjįlfu sér.
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Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.