20.8.2023 | 20:30
Fréttirnar eru vitleysa aš vanda
Utanrķkisrįšherra Kanada óttast aš įstandiš gęti batnaš ķ USA
"Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly said last week that the country is considering a "game plan" on how to respond if the United States "takes a far-right, authoritarian shift" (read: elects a Republican) in 2024."
far-right, authoritarian. Žaš er žaš sem žeir žarna śti vilja kalla: "Contradiction in terms."
En svona er žetta. Žessir kommśnistar skilja ekki orš.
Mašur sem slįtraši heilli kynslóš af fasistum kęrir Norska rķkiš
"Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik has sued the state for violating his human rights by keeping him in extreme isolation, his lawyer, Oeystein Storrvik, told Reuters on Friday."
Antifa kemst ekki meš tęrnar žar sem žessi gaur var meš hęlana fyrir 10 įrum. Reyndar hef ég enn ekki séš Antifa svo mikiš sem snerta einn einasta fasista, nokkurntķma.
Zhirinovsky lķfgašur viš meš hjįlp gervigreindar
"The idea of a Zhirinovsky chatbot was announced in April, on the anniversary of the politicians death, and its first version was presented to visitors at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in June."
Kannski betri en ChatTP. Og žetta My AI ķ drauga-appinu er meira en lķtiš śrkynjaš.
"Even if the United States went to zero carbon output, you're not going to put a dent in what's happening to the world because most of it is coming from China and India. So all this sh*t about 'don't eat meat because we're going to save the world.' You're not saving jack sh*t!"
Hann hefur ekki rangt fyrir sér. Sama hve vel kolefnistrśarmenn nį aš lķma sig viš veginn, eša skemma mįlverk, eša eyšileggja lķfskjör fólks almennt, žį munu žeir alltaf hafa rangt fyrir sér.
Borgarstjóri Lundśna hatar fįtęka
"The expansion of ULEZ at the end of the month has been Mr Khan's single most controversial transport policy - with even Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer blaming it for his party's recent by-election loss in Uxbridge.
The scheme will cover all London boroughs from August 29 and force drivers of non-compliant vehicles to shell out £12.50 a day - on top of any other charges like the £15 Congestion Charge."
Fuck fįtękir!
Ég verš ekkert hissa ef elķtan ķ Evrópu byrjar aš slįtra fólki.
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Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.