21.8.2023 | 18:58
Kolefnistrúarmenn halda að hvalir séu gróður
Kolefnistrúarmenn gera hvalina útdauða.
Hve miklir fávitar eru kolefnistrúarmenn?
"Stórir hvalir kolefnisjafna eins og skógur alla ævina"
Þau falla í líffræði að eilífu.
Þeir eru alveg vissir um að æðri máttarvöld hafi haft eitthvað með þetta að gera
"The Los Angeles Dodgers had their latest game against the Miami Marlins canceled after Hurricane Hilary caused Dodgers Stadium to flood.
The flooding at Dodger Stadium occurs just a couple of months after the Dodgers decided to host the satanic trans nun group Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence on Dodgers pride night."
Það var annaðhvort flóð eða engisprettur.
Forseti Serbíu segir allskonar hluti
""One of the points he made is that the war in Ukraine, the war against Russia led by NATO, has crushed the European economy," Carlson explained. "The destruction of Nordstream by the Biden administration ... is killing the German economy
the largest economy in Europe by far
and so the downstream effects of that, one NATO country effectively attacking another NATO country are felt throughout Europe."
"It's really about a massive shift in power away from the United States and the West to the East," Carlson proclaimed in conclusion. "And its all happening right now, but very few people in our country seem aware of it.""
Allt fjörið er á Twitter... eða hvað sem það á að heita núna
JW: "Thank you. If @elonmusk removes the ability to block concerted harassment by trolls or organized political entities, how will X be any different from Jack Dorseys horrid Twitter?"
EM: "Then delete your account"
"And shortly afterwards, blocked Woods himself, which Woods pointed out is exactly the point of the block button, Musk does not have to see Woods criticism if he chooses not to:.."
Menn eru greinilega ekki á sömu bylgjulengd þarna.
Dominos pizza í Rússlandi gjaldþrota
"Moscow has adopted a wide range of regulations, making the exit of foreign firms or their potential return more complicated. Since December, the authorities have obliged foreign companies to sell their assets to Russian buyers at a 50% discount and have charged them an exit fee of at least 10% of the transaction value."
Þetta kemur ekki aftur.
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