22.8.2023 | 19:58
Holræsa túrismi ofl...
Það er ekki málfrelsi í Þýzkalandi
"American playwright and humorist C.J. Hopkins, profiled in this space on numerous occasions, has been sent a punishment order by a German judge, offering him a Sophies Choice of 60 days in jail or 3,600 euros.
His crime?
Essentially, insulting the German health minister in a tweet, and using a scarcely-visible image of a Swastika on a mask in a book critical of the global pandemic response, The Rise of the New Normal Reich."
Ekkert málfrelsi, og sennilega ekkert lýðræði heldur.
"Eight bodies recovered after deadly Moscow sewers tour"
Er þetta óplægður akur fyrir íslenska ferðaþjónustu? Að fara með túrista að skoða skólpdælur og rotþrær?
Jafnvel Hitler var ekki á móti mjólk
"14 prominent American cities are part of a far-left climate organization headed by billionaire globalist Mini Mike Bloomberg that aims to abolish private vehicle ownership and wean their constituents off meat and dairy by 2030.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams back in April announced the Big Apple would place caps on the amount of meat and dairy served by city institutions, including prisons and schools. The United Kingdom which is ostensibly headed by a Conservative government has banned all gas-powered vehicles past 2030."
Ef nazistar eru betri en þú, þarftu að hugsa þinn gang.
""US Is On The Brink of Catastrophic War That Could Easily Destroy Us" - Col. Douglas MacGregor Tells Tucker Carlson..."
Fyrirtæki sem styður glæpi verður fyrir búsifjum vegna glæpa
"Dick's Sporting Goods reported a 23% drop in profits and slashed its earnings guidance for the year after it saw an uptick in retail theft and slow sales in its outdoor category, the company announced Tuesday.
They [...] posted heavily about support for BLM and "equity" (conflating it with equality like most wokies)."
Pop song review
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