25.8.2023 | 20:17
Fįiš ykkur meira eitur
Hagstofan, ekki ég.
Algerlega ekki Hagstofan.
"A New York City police sergeant has been suspended without pay after throwing a picnic cooler filled with sodas and water at a motorcyclist fleeing a drug bust on Wednesday, causing a crash that killed the suspect.
A 30-year-old Bronx resident, Duprey has been arrested at least twice before. One was a drug charge. In an eerie parallel to the strange circumstances of his death, he's also the subject of an open felony assault case for allegedly throwing a two-liter soda bottle through the driver-side window of vehicle, sources told the New York Post."
Ef žiš eruš aš fylgjast meš... annars ekki.
Gušlast veršur aftur bannaš ķ Danmörku
"The Danish government is preparing a law that would make it illegal to publicly mistreat or destroy items of religious importance, Justice Minister Peter Hummelgaard has announced."
Styttist ķ nornabrennur hjį baunanum.
Hvaš ętlar žś aš gera ķ nęstu kóvitleysu?
Pappķrs rör eru full af įhugaveršum efnum
"Paper straws contain potentially toxic chemicals which could pose a risk to people, wildlife and the environment, a study has found.
Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), which are long-lasting and potentially destructive to human health over time, were discovered in the majority of paper and bamboo straws tested."
Hver vill ekki eitur?
"Researchers on the study examined 39 brands of straws in Belgium from supermarkets, toy stores, fast-food chains, drug stores, and e-commerce stores. The straws were either made of paper, bamboo, glass, stainless steel, or plastic, and the researchers tested each brand for concentrations of PFAS. Sixty-nine percent of the brands contained PFAS, with paper straws more likely to contain the chemicals. The researchers found 90% of paper straws had PFAS, compared to 80% of bamboo straws, 75% of plastic straws, and 40% of glass straws. Further, a paper straw brand was the brand with the highest PFAS concentration."
Umhverfisverndarsinnar segja aš eitur sé gott fyrir žig.
Shit happens
Žessi gaur śtskżrir hvernig sósķalismi virkar. Žiš viljiš sósķalisma, en af hverju? Er žaš vegna žess aš žį getiši lįtiš lögregluna nį ķ nįgranna ykkar, og lįtiš žį hverfa? Allt ķ lagi, gott og vel, en hvaš ef žeir verša į undan? Og hvaš žegar žiš veršiš nęst?
Hugsiš žetta alla leiš.
Žiš ykkar sem getiš hugsaš.
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Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.