Í dag skilst mér að sé sunnudagur

Brezka ríkið krypplar eigin iðnað viljandi

"Ithaca Energy, one of the largest oil and gas producers in the UK, has reduced investments and is deferring some projects this year and next, due to the burden of the windfall tax Britain has levied on the industry.

After the UK raised the windfall tax to 35% at the end of last year, Harbour Energy, the biggest oil and gas producer in the UK North Sea, backed out of the latest licensing round aimed at awarding more than 100 new licenses. Shell has said it would be re-evaluating each project comprising its $30.5 billion (25 billion pounds) planned investment in the UK energy system, and TotalEnergies has said it would slash its investment in the UK by 25%."

BRICS er færður heimurinn á silfurfati.

íslenska ríkið áformar að leggja fiskeldi í rúst

"„Meg­in­viðfangs­efn­in eru styrk­ing á rann­sókn­um, vökt­un og eft­ir­liti, eins er fjallað um skipu­lag leyfa og gjald­töku með um­hverfis­hvöt­um.“"

Svona fer það.  Það er ekki einu sinni búið að byggja aðstöðuna, og þeir eru þegar komnir með áform um að gera hana óarðbæra.


Aðrir menn með plön

"Fehlinger, whose profile describes him as “Chair of European Committee for NATO Enlargement for Kosovo, Ukraine, Bosnia, Austria, Moldova, Ireland, Georgia,” couched his demands in an appeal to “the people of Brazil,” insisting they could only be free by “dismantling the Socialist Genocidal BRICS Ally of Russia” – and that they had been misled by Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva."

Ég hef litla trú á þessu,


Hi ho

Hópur loftslagsbreytinga tekinn fastur

"Greek authorities have arrested dozens of people on arson-related charges as deadly wildfires – the largest ever recorded in the European Union – rage across the country.

Greek police have made 79 arson related arrests, Greek government spokesperson Pavlos Marinakis told public broadcaster EPT Friday."

Maður var svo ölvaður að...

"The cops executed a traffic stop on the tiny toy car and found this 51-year-old bloke behind the wheel and meth'd out of his brain. He was taken to jail on a felony charge of operating a vehicle while intoxicated with a prior conviction."


Power wheels.

SpaceX kærðir fyrir að fara að lögum

"The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the Department of Justice (DOJ) has filed a lawsuit against Elon Musk’s company, SpaceX, claiming their hiring policies discriminate against refugees and asylees.

According to Alex Tabarrok, a professor at George Mason University, it’s common for industries that work closely with the military or deal with dual-use technologies to restrict jobs to U.S. citizens. This includes companies like SpaceX."

Það er vandlifað í trúðaheimi.


New York búar amast við ólöglegum innflytjendum

"When open borders activists showed up to counter-protest, the residents started chanting, “Pasty white liberals!”

The New Yorkers are protesting the resettlement of thousands of border crossers and illegal aliens in their neighborhoods. Most notably, Staten Island residents are outraged by Adams’ insistence to house migrants at the former St. John Villa Academy which sits directly in a tight-knit neighborhood."

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