Illska kommúnista er endalaus

Biden, um hagfræði.


Evergrande fer á hausinn. Meira.

"The stock of the embattled real estate developer - which trade in Hong Kong under what was supposed to be the "lucky" ticker 3333 - opened 87% lower and ended the day at 0.35 Hong Kong dollars. Trading had been halted since March 21, 2022..."

Í eðlilegi, Laizess Faire hagkerfi hefði þetta aldrei náð að verða svona stórt, því þá hefðu ekki verið skilyrði til þess.

Viðvörun frá Venezuela.

Kommúnistar berjast gegn hagsmunum almennings

"Cops had their hands full at the New York City mayor's mansion on Sunday when black-clad antifa counterprotestors showed up at a demonstration against Mayor Eric Adams' handling of the 2023 migrant crisis. 

Protesters held signs with slogans like "STOP REWARDING, START DEPORTING" and "AMERICANS OVER MIGRANTS." The New York Post quotes a Trump supporter as shouting "No migrants on Long Island! We pay a lot of property taxes!" 

Counterprotestors held signs reading "NO ONE CHOOSES TO BE A REFUGEE" and "HUMANITY HAS NO BORDERS." Some yelled "F**k white supremacist NYPD!""

Enginn berst jafn hatrammlega gegn hagsmunum almennings og kommúnistar.

Kommar að brjálast.  Ekkert nýtt:

Kommúnisti kastar skít

"Von Storch was attacked on Friday in a hall in the town of Daun in the western state of Rhineland-Palatinate. A man claiming to want a selfie with her then smeared von Storch with animal feces. The man was overpowered by police and is now under investigation."

Enginn nema kommi myndi ganga um með skít í vasanum.

Lögreglan í Nevada kann að eiga við kolefnistrúarmenn.

Menn hafa verið að hnupla úr Brezka safninu

"Around 2,000 historical artifacts, thought to be worth tens of millions of pounds, have been stolen from the British Museum’s vault..."

Hver gæti hafa gert þetta?  Hmm...

Kommúnisti hefur myrt einhvern.  Eins og kommúnistar gera.

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