Heimsfréttirnar eru líka áhugaverðar


CNN hugsar ekki

"CNN jumped at a chance to show just how evil the Christian government in Uganda is after they charged two separate people with their new laws against "aggravated homosexuality" which CNN calls "controversial" and "anti-gay."

One man is accused of having a sexual relation with a disabled man, the other of a sexual act with 12 year-old child. Both are charged with "aggravated homosexuality," defined as same-sex relations with someone who is HIV-positive, a child, an elderly person or disabled."

Þeir í Úganda vita sínu viti.

Viðtal við Victor Orban

Borgir reknar af demókrötum finna fyrir "hatursglæpum"

"The Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism found that hate crimes are exploding in Democrat-run cities, reports the far-left Axios.

In Democrat-run Chicago, hate crimes are up—this is not a typo—84.6 percent over last year.

Chicago has been run by Democrats since 1931."

Nú er ég ekki að segja að ég sé Elvis Prelsy, en getur ekki verið að þetta sé vegna þess að Repúblikana borgir eru reknar af geðheilbrigðu fólki, sem er ekki að banna tilfinningar?

Bretar eru á slæmri vegferð

"Anthony Stevens, a British conservative politician out of Northampton, was arrested for hate speech for retweeting a video of police confiscating the Bible of a street preacher."

Þetta má víst ekki sjá.

Herinn tekur völdin í Gabon

"In the name of the Gabonese people … we have decided to defend the peace by putting an end to the current regime," one military office said. He said, "We call on the population for calm and serenity."

Krakki kennir kennurunum

"The Gateway Pundit reported in a now-viral video that the Vanguard School in Colorado Springs told 12-year-old Jaiden (last name withheld) that he had to remove the flag because it has “origins with slavery” and was “disruptive to the classroom environment.” When he refused, the child was dismissed.

“The reason that they do not want the flag reason we do not want the flag is due to its origins with the revolution, slavery, and slave trade,” the school administrator told Jaiden’s mom, Eden Rodriguez. 

“It has nothing to do with slavery, that’s like the Revolutionary War patch that was enslaved when they were fighting the British,” Ms. Rodriguez refuted."

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