4.9.2023 | 18:16
Svarti Hitler ofl.
Grímudólgur Nr. 1 mætir í viðtal
"Anthony Fauci refused to back away from the recommendation of face masks Saturday as CNN (of all networks) confronted him with a study showing that they have no effect on preventing the spread of COVID."
Fyrirboði heimsendis.
Annar græimudólgur að reyna að orma sig út úr þessu
"New Zealand PM Says the Government Didnt Force Anyone to Take the Vaccine In terms of the vaccine mandates, I acknowledge that it was a challenging time for people but they ultimately made their own choices. There was no compulsory vaccination. People made their own choices."
Staðreyndin er hinsvegar:
"Workers at businesses where vaccine passports are required will have four weeks to get the jab - or risk losing their jobs.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on Tuesday announced a sweeping vaccine mandate in businesses in the hospitality sector, and others including gyms, barbers, and hairdressers where customers are expected to have vaccine certificates.
Ardern and Workplace Relations Minister Michael Wood set out more details on when vaccine mandates can apply, following the announcement of the Government's new "traffic-light" system once the country has reached a double vaccination rate of 90 per cent. The system relies heavily on vaccination certificates."
Hvað hafa margir dáið þarna úr mRNA eitrun? Mörgþúsund, ef við getum yfirfært íslensk gögn.
Frá Hagstofunni.
Svona er þetta bara. Gósentíð útfararstjóra.
Svarti maðurinn er núna hvítur
"here is possibly the dumbest member of Congress Jamaal Bowman attacking GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy on the grounds that he is something called a 'White Supremacist'."
... aha.
Þeir vita alveg að þeir eru að gera eitthvað af sér
"According to CBS, Jefferson County administrators directed staff to refrain from conducting these surveys for the time being as several lawsuits regarding the matter are pending trial across the country. This, however, did not stop the JCEA, which clearly values indoctrination over education and even the rule of law. The defiant teachers union sent an email to its teachers encouraging them to continue and, if they had to keep records, make them untraceable just in case the courts come sniffing around with subpoenas."
Það er alltaf skuggalegt þegar fólk í opinberri þjónustu er að eyða gögnum.
"According to comments reported by the Daily Mail, Vomero Santos claimed in the discussion that the use of words such as bat, beetle, black, and night could be seen as examples of racialised language in the play that examines the corrupting nature of power.
The professor was backed up by playwright Migdalia Cruz, who said of the use of words such as Jew, Moor, and Turk within the play: A lot of people cut those things and I thought, I am not going to make him not a racist, he is a racist but a racist of his time. Everyone in his time were racists."
Fólk sem veit ekki hvað orð þýða er að tjá sig um orð núna.
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