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Þær hafa þurft að komast á klósettið.

Það hefði verið fyndið ef þeir hefðu bara siglt á miðin með þær þarna.  Minnst fyrirhöfn.

Elon Musk vs ADL

"Elon Musk on Labor Day tweeted out that he will consider releasing communications by the Anti-Defamation League, a hard-core anti-First Amendment organization...

To clear our platform’s name on the matter of anti-Semitism, it looks like we have no choice but to file a defamation lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League … oh the irony!"

Ég veit ekki af hverju þeir nenna að mæla þetta lengur, en hérna:

"The White House announced in August 2022 that Jill Biden had been twice vaccinated and twice boosted when she caught her first case of COVID.

The White House announced Monday evening that Jill Biden has tested positive for COVID-19 while on vacation in Delaware..."

ADE.  Þú færð ekki kóvid nema hafa fengið sprautuna.


Gögnin styðja þetta.

Hin endalausa barátta góðs og ills.

"London, England: An anti-ULEZ vigilante group known as the "Blade Runners" has committed itself to removing or disabling every last ULEZ camera in London. 90% of the cameras in South East London have already been "retired". Within London's 'Ultra Low Emission Zone', people are charged a daily fee of up to £17.50 for driving cars that don't meet arbitrary "minimum emissions standards", essentially making driving an unaffordable luxury for people who are already struggling to make ends meet as a result of runaway inflation, extortionate energy bills and a cost of lockdowns crisis."

Kolefnistræúarmenn gera allt til þess að féfletta alþýðuna til dauða.  Fólk skal svelta og frjása, sama hvað.

En menn berjast greinilega á móti, sem er jákvætt, gefur von.

Hvað er AfD?

"... what exactly are the positions of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party? Why is it steadily gaining in public opinion polls, and why is the German establishment so afraid of them?


We oppose the idea to transform the European Union into a centralised federal state. We are in favour of returning the European Union to an economic union based on shared interests, and consisting of sovereign, but loosely connected nation states.


European politics are characterised by a creeping loss of democracy. The EU has become an undemocratic entity, whose policies are determined by bureaucrats who have no democratic accountability."


We call for an end to the Euro experiment and its orderly dissolution. [...]The introduction of this currency has led to resentment and confrontation amongst countries in Europe. Countries incurring economic difficulties within the single currency area are forced to restore their competitiveness by such measures as internal devaluation and associated budgetary constraints (austerity policies), rather than exploiting the tool of currency adjustments.


Islam does not belong to Germany. Its expansion and the ever-increasing number of Muslims in the country are viewed by the AfD as a danger to our state, our society, and our values. An Islam which neither respects nor refrains from being in conflict with our legal system, or that even lays claim to power as the only true religion, is incompatible with our legal system and our culture."

Og svo framvegis.

... hvað.

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1 Smámynd: Loncexter

Mikið yrðu margir hissa ef þeir vissu hverjir eru í raun að skattpína íslenska alþýðu.

Ég má ekkert segja, því þetta lið mundi þá tracka mig og eyða.

Loncexter, 5.9.2023 kl. 17:32

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