10.9.2023 | 20:00
Hvað er að gerast í dag?
Kaninn vill síður verða myrtur af glæpamönnum
"New Mexico State Representatives Stefani Lord (R-22) and John Block (R-51) called for the impeaching of Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) after she issued a public health emergency to strip the right away for law-abiding citizens to carry firearms in public in and around Albuquerque, the state's largest city."
Ég veit að landar mínir eru alveg til í að- fórna lífi sínu og gervallrar ættar sinnar fyrir glæpamenn, en kaninn virðist ekki vera á sama máli.
Ég skil kanann.
"Scientists report they have grown the early stages of a human embryo-like entity without using sperm, an egg or a womb.
According to the BBC, chemicals were used to encourage these stem cells to develop into four unique cell types that are involved in the earliest stages of human embryo development "
Næst: kattastelpur.
Þeir eru 80% betri í að finna krabbamein núna e fyrir 30 árum
"A study published Tuesday in BMJ Oncology analyzed data from 1990 and 2019, finding a 79% surge in new cancer cases in people under 50 over the course of three decades. "
Vísindunum fleygir fram.
Maður náðaður fyrir ann glæp að mótmæla nauðgun dóttur sinnar
"In a move applauded by parents and free speech advocates, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin issued a pardon on Sunday for the Loudoun County father who was ejected and charged with disorderly conduct after speaking out about his daughters assault in a school bathroom during a school board meeting.
A transgender student had sexually assaulted Smiths daughter in the girls bathroom in May 2021, which the superintendent allegedly concealed. The same student was accused of two additional sexual assaults at other schools in the county."
Það er mjög Woke að vera nauðgari. Sérstaklega barnanauðgari.
"The New Irish Republican Army (NIRA) is believed to have acquired Russian military grenades that may have been stolen from Ukraine front line, police sources told the Belfast Telegraph."
Hryðjuverkamenn fær vopn, þú ekki. Vegna þess að fokk þú, þú ert einskins virði.
Og loks, tengdar fréttir:
"Jeremy Pauley, 41, a self-described Blood Artist, pleaded guilty to trafficking human remains from Harvard Medical School on Friday. He previously used Facebook to try and sell the remains which included femurs, vertebrae, clavicles, ribs, and even human teeth."
"Police investigated the unusual donation but determined that the skull was historic and not obtained through a crime.
The Maricopa County Office of the Medical Examiner evaluated the skull and determined it was historic."
Söguleg hauskúpa.
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