12.9.2023 | 15:23
Menn eru sitt eigið vandamál
Vandamál Þjóðverja eru Þjóðverjar
"Many Germans already struggling with inflation and a slowing economy balked at the mandate to install new expensive heating systems, with the law being rejected by the majority of the populace, according to polling. The government is also being accused of a hasty legislative process and a lack of parliamentary hearings, calling into question the democratic basis for the law in its entirety.
The law mandates that Germans with older heating systems replace them within a certain time period, although the final bill passed watered down some requirements and carved out some exceptions. Nevertheless, the final cost of the bill is still expected to be enormous, with high estimates placing it at 1 trillion and lower estimates hovering at 600 billion.
The Alternative for Germany (AfD), which saw its polling numbers soar around the same time the heating debate raged, has also said it will abolish the law should it come to power, saying it is an arduous tax on German businesses, pensioners, and those who invested in a home or apartment."
Við þekkjum þetta.
"A group of far-left activists stormed the office of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) on Monday and were seen angrily chanting in favor of the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief..."
Þeir þurfa ljóslega að fara í djeilið í áratugi.
Örugglega ekkert til að hafa áhyggjur af
"Over 40,000 troops from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) will be assembled next year for the biggest joint command exercise since the end of the Cold War next year to practice a mission to defend against a Russian military action against one of its 31 members."
"...all that is left is undergo a MASS mobilization of whatever population is still in the country, since hundreds of thousands of military-aged men has fled the conflict zone.
So Kiev is mobilizing the old and the infirm, the crippled, and now women."
... já. Þetta er á síðustu metrunum.
Sumar hugmyndir eru bara betri.
Putin tjáir sig um vestræna hagkerfið
"Western countries are destroying the existing framework of global economic relations that they helped to build in the first place, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday, adding that many countries are opposed to this."
Kommúnistar eru til vansa allstaðar.
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