21.9.2023 | 20:10
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Breska þingið amast við málfrelsi
"The UK Parliament has sent letters to TikTok and Rumble expressing concerns that comedian Russel Brand could be profiting off the platforms."
Bretland er semsagt ekki lýðræðisríki lengur.
En sumir standa með málfrelsinu:
"In a statement, Rumble called the letter "extremely disturbing," adding that "while Rumble obviously deplores sexual assault, rape, and all serious crimes, and believes that both alleged victims and the accused are entitled to a full and serious investigation, it is vital to note that recent allegations against Russel Brand have nothing to do with content on Rumbles platform.""
Ef menn hafa brennandi áhuga á Jan 6 mótmælunum...
"Some hyperlinks on the document above are now broken or locked after this report was published. Dont worry. The Gateway Pundit has downloaded and backed up every file that we will publish in the days to come.
Below are links to the footage.
The high-tech resources hundreds of volunteer Sedtion Hunters have dedicated to cataloging thousands of hours of footage and tracking subjects with synchronized videos is shocking."
Það er víst meira af þessu. Ef menn hafa áhuga... þetta mun allt birtast fljótlega.
Þetta er CNN
Fólk ryðst inn í grunnskólann og hefur í frammi pedófóbískar ideasjónir
"Kynfræðslukennarar hafa setið undir ásökunum um barnaníð í kjölfar óvæginnar umræðu um nýþýdda kynfræðslubók fyrir grunnskólabörn sem nefnist Kyn, Kynlíf og allt hitt."
Og eru þau svo hissa á þessu?
Ekki dularfullt.
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