23.9.2023 | 13:05
Allir žurfa aš hitta risa-rottu
Žessi hótun ku vera höfundarréttarvarin. Hver margir ašrir glępir ętli séu höfundarréttarvaršir? Ég hélt aš allar svona ofbeldis-hótanir vęru sjįlfkrafa public-domain.
"Another example Dr. Risch gave was breast cancer, which normally, if there is a remanifestation after surgical removal, the remanifestation occurs after two decades. However, vaccinated women are now seen to remanifest breast cancers in much shorter periods of time.
Those are the initial signals that weve been seeing, and because these cancers have been occurring to people who were too young to get them, basically, compared to the normal way it works, theyve been designated as turbo cancers, Dr. Risch said."
Žaš veršur erfišara aš klóra yfir žetta eftir žvķ sem frį lķšur.
Forsętisręšaherra Kanada er mjög pro-pedó
Trudeau segir: "Let me make one thing very clear: Transphobia, homophobia, and biphobia have no place in this country. We strongly condemn this hate and its manifestations, and we stand united in support of 2SLGBTQI+ Canadians across the country"
Vegna žess aš: "Trudeau was reacting to large-scale anti-grooming protests sweeping Canada, at which demonstrators are speaking out against transgender propaganda and gender identity ideology being taught to their children in schools."
Žetta er śti um allan hinn vestręna heim.
Antifa ręšst į foreldra sem mótmęla barnaklįmi
"Antifa militants and far-left agitators violently disrupted an "Education over Indoctrination" protest in Toronto on Friday, which prompted law enforcement officers to make multiple arrests on peaceful protesters who were left bloodied and beaten by the extremist group.
The "Education over Indoctrination" event, which was organized by Billboard Chris and Josh Alexander to protest against radical gender ideology and LGBTQ indoctrination happening in Canadian classrooms, kicked off around 11 am at Victoria Park College Institute and Annunciation Catholic School."
Er einhver leftisti žarna śti sem vill ekki naušga börnunum eša skera af žeim kynfęrin?
Žeir vona aš RoboCop leysi candann
"...on Friday, New York City is deploying the police robot, called K-5, to patrol the citys busiest subway station in a new pilot program..."
Žaš var og.
Boden er nęstum 900 įra gamall, aš eigin sögn
""I remember when I was young. We have something in common. I got elected to the Senate when I was 29 years old, only difference was he was eligible when he got elected to take office," Biden said of Rep. Maxwell Frost, the Communist Gen Z lawmaker standing beside him.
"I had to wait 17 days to be eligible. That was 827 years ago," Biden said."
Žaš var og.
Hśsnęši veršur smįm saman ódżrara ķ Žżzkalandi
"German house prices declined by 9.9% during the April-to-June period of this year compared to the same period in 2022, marking the steepest drop since records began in 2000, official data showed on Friday.
In April, Destatis issued gloomy projections for the construction sector, saying that the number of construction permits had been steadily declining since May 2022 and has been dropping by 10% each month from October 2022."
Žaš er semsagt alveg massķv kreppa.
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Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.