Heiðra skaltu nazista

Kanadíska þingið heiðrar minningu Nazista

"As we detailed previously, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenskyy - who commands a battalion of neo-Nazis - honored an actual WWII Nazi with a standing ovation on Friday.

Meanwhile, we are surprised that Jonathan Greenblatt and the ADL have not been vociferously attacking the honoring of one of Hitler's henchmen. That seems like an "anti-semitic" action being taken by Trudeau and Zelenskyy that should demand widespread condemnation from an organization that prides itself on rooting out anti-semitism..."

Það er ekkert undarlegt.

Filippseyjar vs Kína

Ég man þegar allir héldu því fram að þetta væri fiskabúrahreinsir

"Here's that Mayo Clinic link for the Doubting Thomases out there. Even the people on the Mayo Clinic forums seem to be shocked.

Q: Hydroxychloroquine may also be used to treat coronavirus (COVID-19) in certain hospitalized patients."


En nei... ma´tti ekki þegar þess þurfti.  Í staðinn:

Þetta vandamál fer ekkert í burt á einni viku

"The Gateway Pundit reported on these anomalous “white fibrous clots” back in September 2022 but in this interview, we get into some of the details of what Hirschman has seen, the astronomical numbers he’s seeing these issues in, and much more..."

Það er vídjó.

Amerískur bilaiðnaður mun breytast mikið fljótlega

"On Friday, United Auto Workers (UAW) President Shawn Fain announced an expansion of its strike with 38 sites and almost 5,500 more workers joining the action.

In a press conference, Fain noted that the latest round of walkouts is targeted at General Motors (GM) plants and Stellantis distribution sites as it made significant progress with Ford Motor Company, but GM and Stellantis "will need some pushing.""

Ég er ekki viss um að niðurstaðan verði sú sem þeir óska sér.


Bretar hafa áhyggjur af að lögreglan vilji ekki skjóta þá

"The UK will be left exposed and unsafe as a result of police officers being forced to lay down their arms, a former senior minister told GB News.

A large number of Met police Counter Terrorism Firearms Officer have stepped back from armed duties, with the exception of five officers who are on annual leave."



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