Menn eru alveg bit

Bretar missa mannréttindin hratt.

Biden og Co fá meiri mútur frá Kína en allir aðrir

"Hunter Biden used his Dad's Delaware home where classified documents were found strewn about the garage to receive more than $250,000 in Chinese wire transfers, according to the House Oversight Committee."

Það var leynileg aðgerði í gangi til þess að hindra Biden í að detta

"President Joe Biden appeared to slip while walking down the short stairs from Air Force One on Wednesday, hours after staff mocked a report about how they are trying to prevent him from falling."

... já.

Pólverjar vilja víst eitthvað ræða við þennan Hunka.

Stríð í Úkraníu er kostnaðarsamt

"In the last few days, the Russians have continued depleting the Ukrainian infrastructure in ways that will turn the inter into a bitter experience, and also disrupting logistics in the troop and equipment accumulations of the rear."

... mmm.

Bitte nú

"An illegal alien reportedly bit off an NYPD sergeant’s finger while being detained in a holding cell.

The grotesque attack occurred after 28-year-old Lenni Rodriguez-Cruz allegedly slammed into an NYPD vehicle and proceeded to smash into three other vehicles before coming to a stop."

Önnur bit-mál:

"Commander Biden bites another Secret Service agent, the 11th known incident...

When your dog has bitten 11 people it is well past "new training and leashing protocols". In the real world said dog would be "sent to live on a farm"

Commander has been involved in at least 11 biting incidents at the White House and in Delaware, according to CNN reporting and US Secret Service email correspondence, including a November 2022 incident where an officer was hospitalized after the dog clamped down on their arms and thighs."

Amazon women on the moon.


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