29.9.2023 | 18:42
Fréttirnar eru gefandi og skemmtilegar stundum
Samglešjumst svķum, er žeir öšlast žaš sem žeir hafa unniš aš undanfarna įratugi
"Warring gangs murdered three people in the span of 12 hours in the Swedish capital of Stockholm between Wednesday and Thursday. With one of the murders involving a devastating bomb attack on a residential building, Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson has vowed to bring in the military."
Mér skilst žetta séu ašallega Kśrdar og Tyrkir.
Hvers vegna Svķnn vopnast ekki er hinsvegar óskiljanlegt. Enginn nema alger f“viti fer aš reiša sig į Rķkiš til aš redda žessu. Rķkiš orsakaši žetta.
Ekki rangt. En athugiš: žiš eruš aš bišja um žetta. Ég segi ykkur aš gera žetta ekki, en žiš...
Ég hef ekki mętt miklum skilningi. Og mun ekki gera žaš, jafnvel ekki eftir aš glęponar hafa naušgaš ykkur öllum og myrt öll börnin ykkar. Og naušgaš gęludżrunum.
Berjist gegn glępum; skjótiš į móti.
Hollendingar munu ekkert lęra af žessu.
"The leftists will insist that the following story is impossible considering the Netherlands has outlawed all firearms, ammunition, and weapons of any kind including swords, knives, grenades, and pepper spray.
A gunman wearing a bulletproof vest opened fire in a flat and a hospital in #Rotterdam Thursday. Three people were killed, including a 14-year-old girl."
... bķddu.... HAHAHA!
"The 22-year-old teacher of Salt Lake City, Utah, who uses the/them pronouns, might teach young kids during the day, but her true passion comes alive by night when she transforms into a furry named "Flint," which is part of the "Dutch Angel Dragon" community."
Tranni kemst ķ nįnari snertingu viš eigin kvenleika
"In the video, one can see the trans student sneak up behind the girl and throw her to the ground. He proceeds to yank the girl around by the hair before hitting her several times in the head and shoulders.
The SAME student attacking two other girls at a middle school in Oregon."
Ekki sérlega kvenleg hegšun, žetta. "Does not pass."
Ég get ekki hjįlpaš žessum. Ég hegša mér ekkert kvenlega.
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Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.