6.10.2023 | 16:17
Heimskubrunnur vesturlanda er meira en barmafullur um þessar mundir
Miðað v ið hve margir settu upp læknagrímu í kóvitleysunni, þurfti ekki að standa í því að búa til svona "Sovéskan Mann."
Aktívisti myrtur, dauði hans notaður í fjáröflunarskyni
"Friends of murdered New York City liberal activist Ryan Thoresen Carson have created a GoFundMe page in which the "collective" solicits donations so they can take "time off of work" -- and have already raked in $69,000. However, some donors are chipping in just for the privilege of leaving scathing comments.
Other $5-donor highlights:
"It's abhorrent for someone to use the MURDER (not "loss" or "tragedy") of her boyfriend, and his life's work and reputation, to manipulate people to give her loads of cash. His body was barely even cold."
"I donated $5 because it was the minimum but I wanted to say this: you people are disgusting, depraved ghouls for profiting off of this man's death."
Það má alveg hlæja að þessu, þetta var mjög vondur maður.
"The Antifa activist who was stabbed to death in Brooklyn on Monday, 32-year-old Ryan Carson, has a history of celebrating death and violence."
Hann hefði mölvað á þér hausinn með slökkvuktæki og hlegið að þér.
"AfD Co-Chair Tino Chrupalla was in intensive care after an attack on him with a syringe in the Bavarian town of Ingolstadt, as Gateway Pundit reported. While the leftist German media and leftist international media attempted to ignore the attack, Elon Musk chimed in and was seen by 485,000 users.
Antifa terrorists are rarely or never arrested or tried in Germany, since they are protected by the leftist-socialist government."
Antifa í útlöndum er svona eins og bafrnanauðgarar á íslandi.
Steingrímur Njálsson FTW!
Að allri pedófóbíu slepptri:
"Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida along with three of his cabinet members ate seafood sourced from waters off the coast of Fukushima, a stunt he pulled roughly a month before in the hopes of dispelling concerns over the safety of the food."
Hann glóir núna.
Það kom frá útlandinu...
"Two individuals are also seen ripping the banners away from the group. Moments later, the drivers appear to have had their fill because they grab the activists vests and drag them out of the way."
Talandi um úrkyjað fólk...
En, það er meira:
Tranni móðgast vegna þess að forsætisráðherra bretlands veit að konur eru til í alvöru
"Petra De Sutter, the most senior transgender politician in Europe, accused Mr Sunak of 'fuelling transphobia' after he said 'a man is a man and a woman is a woman'. "
Já. Tilvist kvenna er "transóbía."
En hey, yfirtrúður íslands vill meina að það eigi að vera hatursglæpur að hafa andstyggð á barnanauðgurum.
Ég hef samkennd með þessum.
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