8.10.2023 | 15:31
Ekkert óvenjulegt á seyði
Ekkert óeðlilegt að gerast hér.
"According to IRS Criminal Investigation agent Joseph Ziegler, an investigation into Hunter's financial dealings was stonewalled before he blew the whistle to Congress - where he revealed that Hunter ended up looting Maisy's entire college savings account - and never paid taxes on it."
"Hundreds of Israelis were attending a nature party, also described as a peace party, in the desert near the border on Saturday when Hamas launched its attack.
Chaos erupted after Hamas reportedly opened fire on the gathering. Hundreds of Israelis ran into the desert to hide."
Mjög góður staður til þess að ná í gísla.
"Code Pink posted support for Hamas in a statement on X Twitter on Saturday well after reports of Hamas atrocities against Israeli civilians had been widely reported, "The US-backed Israeli apartheid regime inflicts daily settler violence and terror on Palestinians. Israel is an occupying force. Palestinians have every right to resist it.""
Morðóðir friðarsinnar eru ekki óalgengir.
Kommúnistar segja skemmtilega hluti áður en þeir deyja.
Nazista fílingur í Hillary Clinton
"Hillary Clinton told CNN's Christine Amanpour that Trump supporters were in need of "formal deprogramming.""
Putting on the Reich. Ekki bara Trudeau.
Á meðan, í Úkraníu:
Úkranía (eða ráðamenn þar) stórgræða á að fara í EB
"The fervent push from Brussels to admit Ukraine into the European Union would see 186 billion transferred to Kyiv from other member states in addition to the billions poured into the country to subsidise the war effort against Russia."
Allt beint í vasa Zelensky.
Skoðum nú hreina orku:
Mengun er góð. Stríð er friður. Þrældómur er frelsi.
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