Franskar rúmpöddur ofl...

Góð spurning.

Nokkrar ástæður þess að AfD gengur vel

"This polling data shows the massive disconnect between the left-liberal mainstream that promotes mass immigration in the media and culture and the actual sentiment of the German people.

Many new potential AfD voters may be “shy” voters who are afraid to express their support to pollsters, meaning that pollsters may not be capturing the full picture. The party is, after all, facing a potential ban, openly mocked and attacked by the political and journalistic establishment, and supporters of the party along with politicians have been physically assaulted in the past."

Og fleira...

Það er að laumast inní þetta smá 30 ára stríðs-fílingur

"i24 news correspondent Nicole Zedek reported that she spoke to Israeli soldiers, and they revealed to her that Hamas terrorists are chopping off the heads of babies and gunning down families in their homes."

Gott fólk.

Ekki bara mím...

"His Afghanistan withdrawal strategy lead to chaos, horror, and death – including for children and American servicemen. His Ukraine/Russia policy undoubtedly played a major role in Putin’s decision to invade. China has routinely humiliated the U.S. on the world stage. Biden is more responsible than any single person for the humanitarian crisis at the U.S./Mexico border. His efforts to keep America’s Southern border opens confirms that, stunningly, national security is simply not a priority for the U.S. President.

As I document in my new book, Breaking Biden (the definitive book on Joe Biden’s record with a strong emphasis on his disastrous foreign policy), the Pentagon reported that the U.S. left $7.12 billion worth of military equipment in Afghanistan upon our departure. This includes aircraft, air-to-ground weaponry, other military vehicles, munitions, and communications equipment."

Maðurinn sem vill afvopna eigin þjóð gefur terroristum endalaust af vopnum.

Þeir slást í new York líka

"According to the New York Post, while most pro-Palestinian demonstrators simply held up signs supporting the end of Israeli "occupation," some went one step further and vocally called for the eradication of Jews from the area.

"We gotta kill them all!" one man yelled. "We're going to kill them all! You better leave our country! You better get out of there!""


Þeir hefðu átt að hugsa út í þetta fyrr

"National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir on Tuesday implemented the first phase of a plan to distribute thousands of firearms throughout the Israeli public.

As part of the plan, the Ministry of National Security has purchased four thousand Israeli-made rifles to be distributed to the local security teams of various towns and cities."

Örugglega 200 mans væru enn lifandi ef þeir hefðu bara leyft liðinu að vopnast sjálft.

Pöddur herja á Frakka

"The bedbug plague in France has seen families in Marseille dump their infested mattresses out into the streets in a bid to rid themselves of the pests.

The French government is battling to contain a bout of nationwide panic, after several schools were closed across the country due to the infestation plaguing the country."

Böggar mig ekkert.

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