"En fólkið er vangefið." Segir Gúrúinn.

Ekki rangt.

Nú þegar Bjarni Ben er búinn að segja af sér embætti, rifjum aðeins upp hvað ríkisstjórn hans hefur gert síðan eftir kóvitleysu:

(Bara eftir minni, fact checkið endilega)

1: hækkað skatta
2: aukið útgjöld til kolefnistrúarbragða
3: fjölgað ríkisstarfsmönnum
4: ráðherra ríkisstjórnarinnar hafa framið lögbrot til þess að skemma fyrir matvælaframleiðendum
5: sóað pening í "umsækjendur um alþjóðlega vernd"
6: reynt að afnema mannréttindi íslendinga
7: farið í stríð við Rússland
8: sýnt börnum klám

En það hefur ekki allt verið slæmt.  þeir hafa líka... uhm... einhver?

Ef einhver man eftir einhverju sem Ríkisstjórnin hefur gert undanfarin 3-4 ár sem var ekki slæmt, endilega segið mér hvað það var.  Ég skal bæua til lista.


Hvað er að ske í útlandinu...

Gaurar búa til færanlegan kjarnaofn

"During a wide-ranging interview with The Epoch Times, the leadership of Nano Nuclear Energy Inc. predicted they would win the race to commercialize a reactor small enough to fit in a shipping container.

Nuclear microreactors are meant to be nimble, mobile sources of heat or up to 20 megawatts of electricity."

Ég þarf þetta.  Til að geta haft kveikt heima allan sólarhringinn.


Alltaf sama glæpa starfsemin

"And so it happened that on the fifth day of Sam Bankman-Fried’s historic fraud trial, the prosecution rolled in their ‘star witness’, 28-year-old  Caroline Ellison, former CEO of Alameda Research.

Ellison named the FTX founder as the ringleader of a $10bn fraud scheme at the cryptocurrency exchange and its associated hedge fund, and testified that she committed fraud at his direction."


BLM vill fremja þjóðarmorð í USA

"As Black people continue the fight to end militarism and mass incarceration in our own communities, let us understand the resistance in Palestine as an attempt to tear down the gates of the world’s largest open-air prison. As a radical Black organization grounded in abolitionist ideals, we see clear parallels between Black and Palestinian people."

Veruleikafyrrtir og morðóðir.  Góð blanda.

Rafbílar terrorisera England

"A large multi-storey carpark at London Luton airport which is said to have contained over 1,000 cars suffered a structural failure and partially collapsed during a fire Tuesday evening into Wednesday, the blaze rapidly spreading between the tightly packed vehicles and causing them to explode.

The fire brigade has said they do not believe the blaze is suspicious and say it appears to have been started by a diesel car combusting, but a crew commander who responded to the blaze told the BBC the presence of many electric cars at the building may have been an early factor in the fire spreading."

Diesel?  Efasemdir.

Musk hefur efasemdir um áframhaldandi frið í Evrópu

"US entrepreneur Elon Musk has suggested that European Union may face the prospect of civil war due to its immigrant-welcoming policies. Two weeks ago, he visited the US southern border, wading into the bitter debate over immigration in his home country.

“If current trends continue, civil war in Europe is inevitable,” he claimed in a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Wednesday."


Pöddu-fóbískt fólk finnur pöddu

"A family were left horrified when they found a scorpion with its 'tail quivering' in their kitchen - and believe it may have hitched a 6,000 mile trip back with them from Kenya."

Þarf að spyrja um all þessa hatursgæpi:

Ef það að skopast af samkynhneigðum er hómófóbía;
Það að skopast að trönnum er transfóbía
Það að skopast að pedófólum er pedófóbía...
Þá er araknófóbía sá gerningur að skopast að mönnum sem vilja leggja lók í köngulær...?

Á meðan, í Úkraníu...

Fyrir þá sem hafa áhuga

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